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About yoyo

  • Birthday July 3

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  1. Death Penalty

    do you know if there is a wait time, cash penalty, etc after dieing
  2. The Neighborhood - Recruiting!

    your discord seems not to be working
  3. The Neighborhood - Recruiting!

    I'm with the neighborhood.
  4. In-Game Currency

    do we know that the ingame days are going to be accelerated.
  5. In-Game Currency

    Does anybody know the current pay for jobs because if it is realistic to life then wouldn't jobs in the public sector like police, firefighters, etc get paid way less then those in the private sector. Even if it is realistic to life $30 a day/shift as a police officer would be waaayyy too much of a grind to get anything of value. It would be great if the identity staff released a in-game cash post where we could see info how long it takes to make money and how much stuff costs
  6. Since you already can watch in-game people playing identity. What if identity paid players an amount of in-game cash for their # of views. This would be cool since it is similar. This would be also beneficial to the devs because it would be an incentive for people to advertise the game. Of course, there should be caps on the amount of money paid so people like PewDiePie can't stream a session of identity and make a million. This doesn't seem like a difficult feature to implement and it would be very very cool.
  7. Creating a Band

    thats cool
  8. Relationships

    wouldn't it be funny and cool if on identity there was some sort of phone app like tinder where you could get matched with other players
  9. In-Game Currency

    How much could houses be $100,000 , 1,000,000 omg
  10. Rules

  11. What happens when you get arrested

    I mainly think it would be more pointless then a waste of time now because as a cop you catch a bad guy and he gets processed and released right back onto the streets. This wouldn't really be a waste of time for the cop probably gets some type of career xp and cash but it also seems like a redundant task. It would pretty much be a game of catch and release. I understand its all for the "experience" and "gameplay" butthe game also has to have some logic. Imagine this a police chief assigns a detective a case to take down a drug lord. The detective puts in 1-2 hours getting the evidence. The dispatcher gets the SWAT team to assault and capture the player. The player is arrested processed in a day released with maybe a penalty of $1,000 and walks back to drug empire. Think about it from the criminal point of view. Why avoid the the cops when you could let them capture you and in an hour just start playing again a free man. A fix to this is maybe having ex-cons put on parol(maybe with a parol office) and, or have some alert if they start doing illegal activities.
  12. What happens when you get arrested

    Seeing that cops and criminals have a large role in the game it is very odd that we haven't gotten any details so far. Cause it seems like it would be an awful waste of time for the criminal to be processed, even if they get convicted its not like their gonna get banned.
  13. Alright I have spent the last 5 minutes searching the forums for what happens when you get arrested or tried and convicted. lucky come to my aide and answer my inquiry