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About VitoCiancimino

  • Birthday March 13

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  1. New Town Square Gameplay

    It's on this page here:
  2. Checking in

    That's the Town Square module release date...there will be a video gameplay before that..and they said it could be this month
  3. Italian, French and other languages discussions

    Per ora facciamo solo qualche commentino in italiano contro le regole qua e là...poi magari se apriranno server italiani avranno il proprio forum
  4. My one problem with Identity

    I was referring to can you lose everything of your character by a lag spike which may happen to everybody, or maybe a blackout that makes you die while driving... Of course paramedics may save you, but there is a chance that they wont...and even if it will be hard for a player to kill another, there are external things that can interfere..
  5. My one problem with Identity

    What if you die because of lag? maybe you are driving and a lag spike makes you crash
  6. Ciao a Tutti!

    Ye ye i see that those translations are style.. btw he said like "when the game comes out, i d like to find who speaks italian and make a family/community with them
  7. Ciao a Tutti!

    mmmh, i think that with family he's meaning "a group of italians" a big family : D ( btw...don t use those translations...they re pretty bad, learn some italian instead : D ) Or maybe he means "mafia" because in italy those """mafias""" (i know that this word..meeh) are just families
  8. Ciao a Tutti!

    Con "Famiglia"....per caso..intendi "Famigghia"? Manca poco al town centre, entro fine ottobre annunciano la data :DD
  9. Hello Guys

    Wow...allora ci sono degli italiani... Comunque io fossi in te comprerei il gioco con la beta, quello da 30 euro (come sto per fare io)...gli sviluppatori hanno detto che la data di uscita sarà annunciata entro fine ottobre quindi..manca poco.. p.s. Con tutte queste copie della "mafia" ce ne vorrebbe una un po' più originale made in italy eheheh
  10. The Neighborhood - Recruiting!

    Wait...they do something?? And you avoided 13 rows with 1 questions haha If they do something, somebody will be involved...if you mug X, X will know that you mugged him, of course..."If we mug X, we will kill him"...then somebody will search for him...and the truth comes out... And you can t do anything without involving someone else... "How in RP would they know what they do?" Well, I don t know any mafia member...but i know what they do, as everybody with a bit of smarts... Try to answer all of my questions now And i m not so smart, i m just letting you know that you re saying a lot of nonsense...
  11. The Neighborhood - Recruiting!

    Bro..pls.."And in order to go to jail for associating with a criminal is if you help them cover up their crime or hide them from the law" If you know them, and you don t report them to the police you re hiding them from the law. Then, "The word mafia doesn't mean criminal" hahah nooo. Mafia = Organized Crime Association / Criminal Conspiracy. If you want to have a business with your family, just put your surname in it...don t call it Mafia, because it has only 1 meaning. "If they commit crimes without people knowing, they still aren't criminals". Dumbest thing ever if know i take a knife and go kill somebody in their houses, and i go back to my home..i m not a criminal because no one knows that. And before you said "The definition of a criminal is committing a criminal act" Ahahha bro you are not so ok... "They are making associations with people" Does this means force them to pay "vig" / "protection money" ? Because if it means that it s extorting money, and that s illegal ofc...(I found "vig" and "protection money", because actually there isn't a word in english for "pizzo") "They don't sell drugs. They don't kill. They don't do tax fraud. They don't launder money. They don't smuggle immigrants. They don't rob. They don't run illegal businesses." So what the fuck they do? they call themselves Mafia members and they wash your car? What they do for being called Mafia? I think i ve answerwed evrything...cya
  12. The Neighborhood - Recruiting!

    Rly, are you dumb or what? Qligyht is talking about the future of this idea of conglomerate....of course they didn't anything...there isn t a game yet. What do you expected the mafia to do? Try this And if you talk to a murderer, knowing, it s illegal, you should report him to the police, otherwise,you are in league with a criminal and guess what, that s a crime
  13. The Neighborhood - Recruiting!

    Age? -> 16-17 2) Location? -> Italy 3) How long have you been gaming? -> Mmh, i started at 7 with long time ago. 4) Which role do you currently prefer? -> Not so sure, i'd like something like a Gun Dealer...or why not, the mafia (u know, should be inside me right?). 5) PvE, PvP, or Hybrid? -> PvP is the best for me...kinda like the hybrid of altis life for example where you ve to farm, but a 100% pve..naah, not for me. 6) How many hours per week do you plan on playing? -> 2h a day during the week, and..20h in the weekend :D. 7) Why would you like to join? -> Well, i really don't want to enter in a Mmorpg that looks so cool and play would be really sad right :D? And i like this organization's style, it would be really cool to join