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Everything posted by ThomasHetch

  1. no not exactly you just have to work your shift which will be 1/3 of 4 hours. 8 hours game time
  2. True to jamesluck01 and I am doing g an extensive background check on you.
  3. The Peoples Party

    I don't know what the hell u are talking about.
  4. The Peoples Party

    I can use what ever I want as evidence, and this is a realistic game so ya. How would you put down your own check if you are willing to sacrifice you own pay.
  5. No because you are private security not a criminal. You will have the licence for a gun and if someone attacks you legally you can shoot to protect. If there is no immediate threat then you will not shoot you will investigate but then if that escalates then you will be able to shoot to kill or stun and arrest if that is the orders.
  6. The Peoples Party

    Wrong I am taking $250,000 if that is a lot to the millionaires and above they are crazy people and they will have $750,000 that wont cause them to be homeless. And with taking so little money how will you be able to pay for Canada-Care, how will you be able to pay for the whole extensive background check for guns. That software being made costs money. The only reason Socialist countries can pay for this stuff because their taxes are out of this world. Look at Canada's taxes on this website
  7. The Peoples Party

    First I am signing over my whole company, then I am running for the most stressful position. I will put them first and last I am a running for governor to help the people not to help himself.
  8. The Peoples Party

    I am not bleeding them dry with taxation.
  9. The Peoples Party

    prove that yours won't ethier
  10. The Peoples Party

    What sacrifices will you make is the question.
  11. The Peoples Party

    I make sacrifices for the people. Why would I sacrifice the people for my own benefit. I have a 25% tax rate for people with $1,000,000< so I am taking so much less. I will sacrifice myself if am am or I am not elected.
  12. The Peoples Party

    What ever your point is it is like Putin and Stalin had a child with even more communist views. You may say it isn't communism but in the long run it is. My suggestions are that the taxes are too damn high. Free healthcare will make people careless and they will not care if they get hurt or not because they think they can spend as much money from taxes on hospital bills as often as they want. I could go on with the other policies but that would be a thethis for a PhD.
  13. Starting hours are 8 hrs a shift.
  14. Another great day to be a citizen of Identity.

  15. Thomas Hetch for governer

    I have just changed my company o a reality company I need hep with names.
  16. Potentially great business deal for beginning the game

    i mean for banks, events, high-end retail, and people.
  17. Potentially great business deal for beginning the game

    how about a security job.
  18. In certain cases Rifels and shot guns though
  19. No machine or police grade guns Just pistols
  20. Guns yes but not too powerful