Thank you Waltercash, for making my point clearer :D.
I think it is foolish to assume what Asylum Entertainment will do to Identity in the future.
Will they make Identity the awesome MMORPG they promised, were player interaction keeps the game fun and refreshing?
Or, will Asylum implement cheap and dirty cash-grabbing features such as locking certain items behind a paywall?
I have pre-ordered Identity, and I am hyped to play-test the soon to be released Town Square module. However, I keep getting a airy feeling that Identity will not deliver what it has promised, also known as the No Man Sky effect.
I want the game to fulfil all the features Asylum Entertainment have promised, but sadly, I do not think Identity would be that great of a hit if Asylum locks certain features behind a paywall.
I sure, would not be happy if Identity turns out to be like the old online flash RPGs such as Club Penguin and Movie Star Planet.
Well, that is what I have to say.
Let us hope Identity be a great success!