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Everything posted by Electriq

  1. Social media

    Instead of using "Game Capture" for games use "Window Capture" and run them in Windowed mode. Else, just use Game Capture, which seems a bit buggy for me. Good luck!
  2. The Neighborhood - Recruiting!

    Hm, I've read pretty much that there will be different types of businesses, but there are more to be released Once the game releases, and see the full list of available businesses, I will choose one and let you know. Probably going towards Stock Market. I heard people saying it's possibly going to be in the game. Overall, any business haha.
  3. Stock Market, Food and Toilet suggestions!

    I had no clue someone asked for this. If I would, I wouldn't ask duh
  4. The Neighborhood - Recruiting!

    Hm, I thought of going solo, but I'd rather join you guys 1) Age: 15 2) Location: Cyprus (Google it) 3) How long have you been gaming: Woah, well I don't quite remember, since I was 5. Started off with FPS games like COD and then resulted to PC games like League Of Legends, some CS:GO and more:) 4) Which role do you currently prefer: I personally prefer the business direction. I love business, and this is what I'm following as a living further in my life. I do economics(no clue if that would help me haha) and I love the business feature of this game. 5) PvE, PvP, or Hybrid: To be honest PvP or Hybrid are fine, while PvE are kind of boring. Especially in this game. 6) How many hours per week do you plan on playing: ~2 Hours/day weekday, 4-5 hours weekends 6) What is the reason why you want to join: I really wanna get to know people in this game, and have fun with it. Don't want to join and be ganged from other teams, and play solo since that would not benefit me. Hope I can join, would be amazing to be part of you guys. Best of luck, and see you soon!
  5. Social media

    Great idea there, although I'm pretty sure an in-game recorder will lower the games frame rate dramatically. It is already going to be tough for many computers, but adding a recorder too would be too much. You can record with Fraps/OBS/Plays.Tv