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  1. Greetings from Germany!

    Also wurde wegen dir das Cannabis auf Rezept Gesetz verabschiedet? Geil, dich dabei zu haben Junge!
  2. November video

    youre all gonna get so disappointed
  3. November video

    i love all the dev replys on their forum. asked here and on discord. since months no response. *pokes game with a stick*
  4. November video

    Yeah... for some even posting-farm is "fun".
  5. November video

    Did he say November this year?
  6. Hill - A.K.A Mike Barrow {RP}

    Don't know who I am since i never seen the day of light.
  7. Devblog Discussion Welcome, friend.
  8. Devblog Discussion

    Yeah and theres lots of work and stuff to do. That means a lot of stuff to inform us about... Still I dont mind not getting Monthly or Weekly Reports. Writing them takes away usefull scripting, modeling and coding time.
  9. Devblog Discussion

    I played it back when it was only playable in a browser... and 4 years later it is still in Alpha. So... Yeah. Identity will take a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time.
  10. Devblog Discussion

    Well. Rust Devs arent many as well but write Dev-Blogs - because they do stuff that they can write. Most stuff done here - we wont read about - because even less devs. You want them to communicate? Expect no release ever then. Simple.
  11. Something Soon???

    " We will start to release regular updates through development blogs " cough
  12. Something Soon???

    MoTown said soon on january, so please be patient guys.
  13. What should I play to pass the time?

    The engine of Arma 3 is exactly why im not playing it. Modding it is just a struggle. Garrys Mod is really limited map size but not content wize, man. And at least on Garry Mod Perpheads and SantosRP you can expect real RP. And ofc some of this.
  14. Police in the Town Square Module

    Town Square = GMod Tower
  15. Your Picture is from Life is Strange :)
    Like it.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Myrothas


      Yeah im glad i did never got spoiled on this game.
      I am from Germany :D Playing the game in english tho,

      german voice acting in games is shit.

    3. facade


      I posted a topic about the game if you wanted to share your thoughts after you finish episode 1.

    4. Myrothas