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Everything posted by Romulus

  1. Geography Game

    Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
  2. The Safehouses- Now Hiring!

    Least I won't have to make my own "Just in case shit hits the fan" hideouts. Actually I probably will have to, to store stuff. But this way I don't have to use my hideouts! Thus I don't have to destroy everything after I use it! Woo!
  3. rp group/server plans anyone?

    More or less the same, except I'll be a businessman during the day and criminal by night. I do hope everyone, like Kevin says, join the same server and play at least for a little while before we all separate as we have all patiently waited together, talked to each other, and helped provide ideas to the dev team together since the old forums started all that time ago.
  4. Typing With Eyes Closed Game

    I'm legit I promise! ^ See that, that was legit too. I live on the internet for too long to not be able to type with my eyes closed! Also... Here's the sentence v The cake is a lie!
  5. Bank Accounts

    And now we wait.
  6. Bank Accounts

    @Vix Poke, poke.
  7. Hello filth.

    Well. Hi Revy-san. Please don't shoot me with your akimbo Cutlass Colt 1911's.
  8. wez up

    Oh hi there. (That gif though )
  9. Bussiness ownership

    That ^
  10. Police in the Town Square Module

    The Town Square module is basically just a social module. It'll let you taste what Identity would be like, the atmosphere, parts of the map, and the social interactions between you and everyone else. That'll basically be it and nothing else.
  11. Weapons

    Only hunting snipers? Not even a measly M24? Its basically just a more powerful version and military specs. Cause this basically means if there is going to be a gunfight, there won't be any long range marksmen (PLS NO! I LOVE SNIPING! PLS LET ME HAVE THIS!)
  12. Civil War

    That would be rather fun.
  13. The hype is too real

    If its game dev, that pretty much means that closed beta would be in like a few months, and not near the end of the year. So yeah. Probably just the module. Either way, can't wait for both.
  14. Hitman

    You get flagged instantly when you kill someone? That's kinda BS. If that's the case, it would be really disparaging for crime people since its so easy to get caught. If anything, you should be flagged only if someone actually witnesses you killing someone. Then that would make sense. In reality, there would only be hitmen if there is a demand for it, the various crime groups around going at it with each other for example. Plus, within a few days of anyone even trying to be one, they'll most likely find it an incredibly... difficult, business. Because in actuality, it's really not that easy. You've got to have the balls first, to try doing murder within the city proper. Second, you've got to actually have a brain and use it when you're trying to get your information on someone and when you're going to actually kill him/her. I mean really, if you get a contract, then you INSTANTLY just run off and try to find him and kill him/her, you kinda deserve to get killed/arrested. It takes time, lots of it, to get information on a certain person to find a way to kill him/her, without getting arrested or killed doing it. This means you would have to take a few days to learn the person's habits, their interests, their job, their personality (if you're willing to go that far), etc. If you're seriously going into it you might even go for befriending your target and then, in a moment when he/she lowers their guard, just pop them in the head. Third, you need to be able to actually have connections to people (crime people I'm Pointedly looking at you) willing to actually give out contracts and have the money to pay for the contracts to be completed. You can't just whisper to people and ask if they want to hire a hitman. Four, you need to have a way to absolve of any evidence that points to your involvement, I.E. DNA, fingerprints, witnesses, etc. That means having iron-clad alibis, gloves that won't leave any of your DNA, fingerprints, skin cells, what have yous, and making sure no one sees you actually going for it. Hell, if you know what you're doing, you could even make it so it looks like a robbery gone wrong or an accident or something. Five, it would be a good idea to make your word worth it. If you take a contract, you finish that contract. Period. No ifs, and, or buts about it. You don't take money to not do the contract, you don't take counter-contracts to off your original client. Only then can you have any chance of getting a contract and having the client have trust in you to complete the contract. This is just off the top of my head, so there's probably even more factors, but seriously, it isn't an easy business. I played on a Hardcore RP F:NV server on Gmod and I played as one. It was, frustratingly difficult and only when you've poured hours to create connections, get good equipment, and start to know what you're doing (basically late game) can you actually be successful and make it enjoyable. (Phew that was long. I got freaking passionate in this, damn!)
  15. Hello

    Oh hai thar.
  16. Economy

    If you do start with money, it'll be less than a 1000. Maybe like 500 or something, which basically means you came to Identity with the clothes on your back and money from selling off everything you own. This would help with keeping prices realistic though. Considering that no one would be rich as hell and things would be sold at prices people could buy on a tiny budget.
  17. Crypto Currencies?

    Probably a mixture. There is definitely going to be people RP'ing as the shady gun dealers, and there will for sure be spots in the cities and towns that would be labelled as slums. There has been talk around the old forums about a website for that, but I don't remember if the devs got into it or not.
  18. Crypto Currencies?

    Wouldn't this basically be like the black market or the Deep Web?
  19. Hope Im not too late to the party!

    Oh you're fine! Welcome to Identity!
  20. Billboards!

    I can see this happening. It would add to the realism feel in game.
  21. Hitman

    Same. Although I mainly played Hardcore RP servers. The good ones actually do their job, but then give it a few days and the servers would get flooded with trolls. It takes the rare kind of person with balls to actually run a good server.
  22. What will you RP in identity?

    Business person with a life of crime on the side.
  23. Hitman

    Very true, the police won't be able to monitor every single inch of the city. Plus, it doesn't even have to be in the city. The killer could just follow the victim outside the city, wait a bit so there's some distance from the city then pull the trigger or something. Other than that, same as Vix, you can't just hire yourself for a random job. Unless you actually get hired by someone for something, you can't do willy nilly all you want because you'll just be arrested or killed by the police. You can't be a hired killer if you're in jail or dead.
  24. Hello there

    Oh hello there! Welcome back good sir!
  25. Hello Peeps of Identity!

    Patience is a virtue, and it has paid off! The new site is here, and so am I! Next stop, the game!