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9 Opportunist


About Melgore

  • Birthday May 19

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  1. Hello All!!

    Hey! Welcome to the Identity RPG community. Have a nice day! Regards
  2. Greetings from Switzerland

    Welcome neighbour! Enjoy your stay. Have a nice day!
  3. Coming from upstate NY

    Welcome ZGolden! Enjoy your stay. Youre hyped too right?
  4. Greetings from Belgium!

    Welcome neighbour! Greets back from Germany. Enjoy your stay!
  5. Hello from Germany!

    Richtig! Wird aber schwer gegen die ganzen Amis "anzukommen".
  6. Hello from Austria

    Grüß dich, Nachbar! Willkommen in der Community!
  7. Hello from Germany!

    Grüße aus NRW! Da haben sich ja doch ein paar deutsche verlaufen, gefällt mir!
  8. Recap Vote: What you want to be?

    First of all Civilian. And then im lookin forward to do my own business.