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Posts posted by 506plays

  1. 17 minutes ago, JamesLuck01 said:

    Kids that get what they want e.g. mostly "rich kids" they are spoilt brats and also if you get whatever you want from your family, you are just not getting the full potential your mum and dad should give you with attention. Money is not everything, Money is not Power. You need Money to sustain life but it is not important to have money if you care and give attention to your loved ones/ family. So please everyone stop arguing.

    @TheoGT That you see is nothing to do with his pledge. It is to do with posts.

    i will never pledge for a game that never came out and im sorry to say this but i feel sorry to everyone who pledged because we dont know this game might be the next No mans Identity :) so nah they aint takin my money until i see the full gameplays and reviews

  2. 2 hours ago, The1TheOnlyGonzo said:

    SAMP still suffers lag, latency, and ping issues.  It is impossible not to have someone experience issues when you have anywhere from 150-900+ on a server.  

    Ultimately it depends on the map size.  SAMP even has issues with filling out the map with enough players. Asylum have seemed to have planned for this, making the state, one large body of land, and by limiting it to 300 players max for now. 

    Also SAMP has been around for almost a decade now, and many of those servers took years to build to amount of traffic they have now. Perhaps in a few years after release, identity will have 1000 player servers 


  3. Can we have a weekly vacation from jobs ? Lets say im working in a corporation that opens from 9:00 an to 8:00 pm from monday to friday, BUT in saturday and sunday its OFF DAYS WERE I CAN HANGOUT WITH FRIENDS, STAY AT HOME WATCHING TV, GOING TO COUNTRY TRIPS AND ALL THAT STUFF.

    We need to have this system so we can do our fun activities when we are on off-days

  4. The beta will come after all 3 modules are out. the modules will contain small areas of the island and you cant just go to another place by your will in the module, but the beta will make you experience the full game before release you can do all the stuff we are talking about here like jobs cars guns work and all that but in the modules you only chat,go to movie, social, customize your apart

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  5. I got a big house with a garden and a yard so what happens if a player came inside the yard how can i kick him, i know he cant enter the House inside but no one asked about if i had lets say a farm and a big land open land and someone go in what can i do? will the cops show up for tresspassing? or can i kill the person if he is inside my yard or near my garage? 

  6. 14 minutes ago, Lightning said:

    Then again, can you make it so hard that the detective wont catch him I wonder?

    u can make it so hard they will have to take real time hours to find out about you. but some way or another there will be a small mistake that the criminal did that could expose him. in the end they might not catch u but you are considerd a running killer in the streets so when you try to attempt to kill another person. they will be after you in seconds and investigated so much that they might trace your deposit money or where you withdraw it

  7. Hold on!!! are all 3 modules coming this year?? The town square , the swat, and the racing all of them coming this year?? i know that the first module coming after 2-3 months but what about the others? also when all of the modules come out. we dont want an alpha we need a beta so will we going to play the fulllllll game in decemeber 2018?

  8. If there was a crime and the criminal ran away, so the detectives have to move and investigate thay scene. if the criminal was wearing gloves then the investigation should be longer to detect the criminal identity. if the criminal was wearing a Mask,Gloves, it should be more and more harder, and the list go on

  9. 14 minutes ago, Notic3 said:

    Title. And will police be notified the NAME and VEHICLE of the person speeding immediately? I feel like too many metagame aspects will be implemented into the game if this will be added D: (such as being wanted, as soon as you kill someone police are notified, feels non-RP like) 


    Will it be default, or required to be setup by government workers? Can they be vandalized along with signs?

    Whats the point of detectives if the criminals will be default once they kill someone! but if a player kills someone infront of a cop or a cop is near the area of course he will be detected on the map. the point is what will the cop do ? kill or arrest? the dispatch radio in the police station should inform police one by one on some cases to shoot and some to arrest 

  10. 44 minutes ago, JamesLuck01 said:

    This is Highly unlikely ever to happen but I guess in private servers if ever did happen then the rules may allow it. I doubt this would ever happen because Well I think most people would be civilian not a criminal.

    By the way, your "Title" doesn't make sense/ don't fit with the question. I would replace "Breakout" with "Uprising" because I generally thought this thread was about breaking out of prison.

    again, most players will be civ, but what if they wanted to have fun a little bit get some action on town ?

  11. What could happen if the criminal rate rised to 90% high? if the server is 300 players so 200 players are criminals now and there are 100 law enforcement officers! can the governor establish a "Martial Law" agenda , then cops and officers will have orders to shoot everyone on sight and kill everyone who isnt staying at home and waiting for the problem to get solved. all citizens stay at home or you will be shot.IMG_4852.JPG.499f8238b02d6980470450c289b

  12. 1 hour ago, JamesLuck01 said:

    There will be a system most likely to stop cops abusing the power, as well as they have to have reason to pull them over e.g. speeding/ ran a red light. 

    so if there wasnt any reason of pulling him over then what if that person is a criminal but not shown on the map as red and is on loose so how will i check his id and check his records if i couldnt pull him over?

  13. 2 hours ago, JamesLuck01 said:

    Ok, with the last question. Ask yourself can a cop pull you over and then after 5 mins pull you over again in real life? Yes, so why not in this?

    If you refuse to pullover I don't know but think the cop will have to add you wanted manually I guess not sure but it's possible the official servers could have a system to auto want you and why would you refuse if you have nothing to hide?

    yeah why would someone refuse if he got a request to pull over? also, if someone had to accept the request of getting pulled over but hes scared that the same cop who patrols in his area pulled him over many many times and just want to abuse him and trying to make the citizen angry and giving him many questions and searches like, GET OUT OF THE CAR, Get inside the car, request to search body, give license give ID, etc and just wasting the citizen time until the citizen gets angry and fight the cop then cop have a warrent to arrest him because he assulted a cop. thats how the abuse system can work in the cops

  14. so we all know there is a system in the law enforcement that officers can pull over someone not just by opening sirens but also sending a request to a player to pull over as a cop. but lets say he refused will he be automatically a criminal and change the pulling over status to a high speed fire in need chase??? and if a cop pulled over someone before 5 mins can the officer pull him over again after 5 minutes more or lets say 30 mins?

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  15. There are no difference between a mass shooting and an RDM. they bring many deaths in seconds. @Motown said on twitter their will be metal detectors on malls,university,zoo, so what if someone was outside the doors waiting far away with an automatic rifle in the street?