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About Wisp220

  • Birthday 06/11/1992

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  1. FAQ Extended (Updated)

    is there possibility to add the game on steam library after it reaches steam from pledge made to indentitys homesite?? and what about the age rating? its sure there is going to be players under 18 ( as in every game )
  2. Hello From Finland!

    yeah i noticed cant wait until they release first playable content :)!!
  3. Inactivity in Servers

    and some times peoples are just hanging around in some friends car chatting while basically doing nothing would be annoying to get afk kick while having fun with friends
  4. Hello From Finland!

    well mostly i want to see what kinda community there will start to build up on servers and how devs are going to do things and all jobs opportunities and stuff that the game has. my goals are probably to join PD force and get some new friends to play with im bit confused is there a beta open or somthing? atleast there has allready been some youtube vids
  5. Hello From Finland!

    Hello i'am from Finland new here and waiting for my pledge to get accepted found game out by checking some upcoming cool new open world games
  6. Will there be an Illegal parking system?

    i think this should be job for someone that is not PD i thin they will have more other stuff to attend and in reality its mostly not police that is giving parking tickets