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About Smooth

  • Birthday 11/23/1997

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  1. So whats new!?

    when it does you want me to come back to you and tell you its 2/3 of the month??
  2. So whats new!?

    These devs need to give us something new already we all been waiting patiently and almost coming to the end of the month which means the module wont even be out this month Another delay?
  3. So whats new!?

    These devs need to give us something new already we all been waiting patiently and almost coming to the end of the month which means the module wont even be out this month Another delay?

    It's been a month and we still don't have an update... Can you guys please update us on what you are working on and when is the percentage going up? what are you guys doing?
  5. Question about beta

    guys the module is never going drop.. sad story
  6. Do you have to buy the game?

    @JamesLuck01 lets say we bought it how do u get access to the modules do u have to download.. etc?
  7. hey when is the next video coming out?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. masterhsiao


      yo we got scammed bro.

    3. Smooth


      did we? smh

    4. Resurge


      I don't think we did I trust these guys to deliver

  8. Luprano Family

    I Joey Gallo pledge my loyalty to the Luprano Family.
  9. Luprano Family

    I'm down to join the mafia
  10. Crimes that are usually overlooked

    I have yet too be inside of a arma 3 life jail and seen it overpopulate. I doubt there would be too many people in jail but we'll see
  11. I'm suggesting that all gangs, mafia, bikers etc have like animations that they can do . Such as handshakes , hugging , gang signs, just to show who they are part off or when they interact with one another.. We should be able to have some animations
  12. LAWYERS?

    Will there be any lawyers and case hearings or anything like that where we have a jury etc.. will this play a role in identity?
  13. Just a few questions to ask

    300 people is actually impressive
    1. Just pledged for $30 can't wait till the module drops! Matter fact can't wait till this game is available! :D