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Everything posted by Shimozukachi

  1. Marriage & Children

    didn't we talk about that already? both touch each other with their tongues just to spit a giant egg like piccolo did.
  2. Modding ! :D

    get out of skyrim, stormcloak!
  3. Most annoying Role to Play

    it's always a pleasure to press enter after writing "banid id 0 squeaker"
  4. Most annoying Role to Play

    playing like you would in gta = people killing each other permanently without realising that there are people that want to enjoy a roleplay game instead of playing.battlefieldRPG
  5. Most annoying Role to Play

    what about the role of the moderator that tells the squeakers why they aren't allowed to play the game like gta? :'D
  6. Let's Build a Future Together

    2056: a human with 100 intelligence tells the mutants that they can't reproduce.
  7. Modding ! :D

    exploding squeakers?
  8. Illegally parked cars

    wheel clamp.
  9. roleplaying games thats free?

    the chance that a free rpg game won't be completely griefer and troll infected is lower than low can describe. even life itself.
  10. Forum Looks Nice!

    i still don't know the reason for the account support forum being the only colored one.
  11. R they working on the game

    no, they are not working on this game and this question has never before been asked, so... rush b suka bljad! *turns sarcasm off*
  12. No Moderators! New ones ASAP.

    because of that he has less time for every topic about the game's release
  13. Driving Realism?

    to make it short: play some car simulation and or race games (like forza or wreckfest: next car game) until the game is released.
  14. Free Website Building?

    i always use html, php and a random serverhost that offers a php compiler.
  15. EA FUCKED UP AGAIN :) yay

    don't get stuck with shepard's space hamster!
  16. Favorite Car?

  17. Game is a scam?

    you're right. they've just invented a new, gas based alien race.
  18. Game is a scam?

    they could publish the game now, but it would most probably have more bugs than assassin's creed
  19. bulletproof vests

    will bulletproof vests just give you more health points or will they make your chest immune to some kinds of ammo (ingame)?
  20. Should I buy Arma III?

    just in case: you'll always need a machinegun because it's a cops and robbers gamemode.
  21. Mass Effect Andromeda

    [red answer]
  22. Identity City - Game

    Structure 16: subway
  23. forum search tutorial

    get into the mobile browser settings and change options to show desctop version. the mobile version is more easy to use because the search bar is in front of your eyes.
  24. I think this will ruin the game

    just luck.
  25. I think this will ruin the game

    altis life showed us that you'll lose everything when you don't own a rocket launcher to protect yourself