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Everything posted by Shimozukachi

  1. What will you RP in identity?

    *throws cheese*
  2. 911 dispatcher

    i don't know where the post is (let's just ask @Vix), but i know that a dev already wrote that the dispatcher is a playerjob. no dispatcher = no help when someone chases you
  3. @DrivenMuffin do i have to pay to work or will i get payed when working for you ingame?
  4. how dark will this game get at night?

    the flashlight from metro last light would be cool (infinite energy)
  5. Driving manual

    it's a modern game with modern electronics in a modern car in a virtual modern world
  6. longevity of identity for rp'ers

    i don't want any cheap fantasy final fantasy round based fighting system game where a sword is better than a gun and the only rpg is the skilltree that you'Ve seen from ultra budokakisomething asian mega 2.0 hd reloaded remake where you need to buy a cheap sword for 20000$ because you'll need 100 sparkles of sparkness from giant rats with a dropchance of 0.00001% if you want to farm it because it's better than your flaming acid chainsword of asian tolets and your space doom towel shield mmorpgs anymore. i want identity! NOW! just kidding. can wait until it's modules are available in the next years (townsquare still at 55%). at least it'S not electronic arts where you have to collect all 150 dlcs and win against trainers... sry, that last sentence was inspired by pokemon.
  7. Hello from Switzerland!

    hello @BigMike! want to join us?
  8. Hello from Germany

    hallo @MaxRoccat! grüße aus deutschland nach deutschland
  9. Rate the above song

    5/10 now the worst song ever. not even john cena can stand it. warning! i'm not responsible for any damage caused by it or anything that was caused by it. do you still want to hear it? will only give you a parody because the original is worse:
  10. What will you RP in identity?

    this is everyones enemy: they are more scary than demons

    looks more like homer simpsons underwear
  12. Pledge bonus question

    @Fabulous i think there will be infinite numbers of apartments (because in a skyscraper möp). the garage will maybe work similar to gta online. your character can be used on any OFFICIAL server like in dayz when you change the server and still be able to play your main character. you can't use your character on custom servers (you'll maybe get $highestavailable64bitnumber $ per minute. would kill official server environment)
  13. Hello from Soggy Lancashire, UK.

    welcome @zace66! this is the most safe place on earth. promise
  14. Continue The Story vegetables. they got sick by eating them and started cannibalism. after 1 of them was eaten half they saw something coming from...
  15. what server will you play on?

    @Atmosphere beer ro dah
  16. The Safehouses- Now Hiring!

    to anyone who would join that safehouse:
  17. Which Cars/ Vehicles Would you like to see?

    because it's already going unrealistic...
  18. what server will you play on?

    @Atmosphere not my fault for being cold. my edutcation as it specialist (don't know the exact english word for it) is los evidencos for e moi as le english human. by the way i'm younger than you. 19. and i don't care about any squeaker as long it's not a "suck my wiener" one. oh and it's the squeakers fault if he/she hears content (words etc.) that will scare him/her.
  19. Multiple characters?

    can be compared to plastic surgery
  20. STEAM?

    @Chuc that's only for mmorpgs and origin. if you still now the password of the last logged in steamaccount you can still login offline (just with less options because you're offline)
  21. Bug on website?

    you just have to scroll up, press a button and then scroll a bit down meh
  22. What would you do?

    will tell him first that it won't get better if he kills me and then starting a conversation with the other hostages (because you know criminals don't want to get arrested for killing someone)
  23. what server will you play on?

    @Chuc looks like @Atmosphere is our first squeaker