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Everything posted by Boumu

  1. Bank PIN's

    I can see players being hesitant of it but then you could always call the bank to reset PIN or the Balance history to see unknown withdrawals
  2. Bank PIN's

    That was a bad example; I was just asking if someone else could enter the same pin and enter your bank account
  3. Bank Accounts

    It may be single account but I'm hoping Accountants will be able to create multiple accounts to launder rich people's money
  4. Jail Time

    Will Jail time only pass while you're online? or can you log out for 45 minutes and then come back in, and what about being killed in jail do you wake up outside or respawn in jail?
  5. My ideas in one list

    I imagine the cities will be very dense with detail
  6. My ideas in one list

    I don't think you realize the scale of this map... Those cities are going to be gigantic and probably laggy for lower end pc's.
  7. Can't wait for the 1080p Wallpapers
  8. My ideas in one list

    @Vix Always hooking it up with the tweets. I find it hilarious how every suggestion he had was already confirmed or tweeted about except #13
  9. Negative Response to Role play.

    I'm going to play the way it's meant to be played; but I'm not going to be screaming when I get shot or panting after I run. I wouldn't call it RP but I wouldn't act like it's a fictional game.
  10. I know it's going to take some time considering their team size probably not going to be what I pictured at first but over time it will get fixes and rehauls and then become what I want; similar to almost every game I've played.
  11. Continue The Story

    (The piece of paper was a color-yourself black and white zebra)
  12. Crossfire/ SLI support optimised

    I think the game should release with normal graphics and any extreme graphics should be added as a DLC. So that those people with low memory on the computer can download the game and anyone who wants the extra 10GB can get the Free DLC.
  13. Bank PIN's

    I'm fine with either choice just wondering
  14. PvP Rules / Passive mode

    Yes but in a pvp situation where someone is chasing me with a knife, couldn't I just run into my house and he'd be locked out? or will there be a timer for me to enter my house. Kind of like PVP Logging but running into your house instead of logging out to avoid pvp
  15. Character Voices

    But I was thinking about stuff like when you're shot your character should instinctively cringe or painfully moan; amirite?
  16. What do you mean; Deadly Premonition is not early access
  17. Similar effect to staring at an eclipse.
  18. Bussiness ownership

    Would be cool to see if Identity had its own version of Euro Truck Simulator Hiring players or working for a company to drive and move cargo from warehouse to warehouse
  19. PvP Rules / Passive mode

    Doesn't this just mean I can run straight into a house and not get killed, or will there be a timer before entering a house to prevent this?
  20. First / Third person

    Just hope the third person perspective is positioned near the shoulder or something because if I was robbing a bank or something I'd use third person to pre-aim at the police before even peaking, and that is pretty broken and police would probably be mad.
  21. Yay no Early Access of Identity on Steam! It seems that every fucking game nowadays on Steam are in Early Access.
  22. Create Your Identity

    Name: Sean NAge: 17From (City, Country): United StatesAppearance (Body, Face): 5'11" with a sleeve tattoo on left armAttire: Job: Warehouse work moving in and organizing cratesDetail of House: Small house near the downtown suburbsDetail of Car/ Vehicle: 2011 Dodge Challenger SRT-8 Red body with Gray dual stripes running down the middle.Personality: Quiet when in public, comedic and loud when with his friends.Background: Grew up in a bad neighborhood after parents got divorced tries to keep minimal