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  1. I'd like to see some changeable aspects of the police vehicles which could be set up on individual servers by their owners. A server wide Police colour scheme for patrol vehicles, SWAT etc. Like Blue/White, Black/White, full Black, full White etc. Local emergency numbers on the side, even though the Identity Island is based in the Eastern USA I'd still like to see 000 (Australia's emergency number) rather then 911. That's just my preference though. Individual numbers on the top's of police vehicles, so when I drive my police car around town I know my patrol car's number and the Air Wing can help direct me in pursuits, just like in real life. Cheers guys!
  2. Warrants and Arrests

    In Australia, if you're out in the outback without a gun and call for backup, you would probably be waiting for a very long time haha. On the island that Identity will be on in the Eastern USA seaboard and the fact that there will be "dirty cities" it would be almost idiotic for police in the city not be armed with a firearm, but maybe train police could remain unarmed? Arming officers though should be the discretion of the server owner, with maybe options like New Zealands Armed Offenders Squad able to be implemented? Drones are a good idea though.
  3. Warrants and Arrests

    It would be good if it were like Australia's state of New South Wales laws how police are allowed to search both premises and vehicle if you are a registered firearms owner to ensure correct storage of the firearm. Police should always be armed whilst on duty, just like in real life. I think someone said something about this on Identity's facebook page, but I can't find the comment at the moment.
  4. G'day again!

    We do have a really good welfare program, but I don't have access to it because my parents earn just above the student welfare threshold. The problem with it is it's either you get $400 a fortnight from the government if you live away from home and are single and studying or you get $0 for the same situation. So I have to work to earn money and others don't have to, they get rental assistance, special scholarships, you name it. But they're the rules, I guess
  5. G'day again!

    Yes, the government over here actually pay a large portion of your degree if they approve it, so it's actually not so bad getting a degree. You also don't have to pay back the course fee until you earn over $54k or thereabouts, which is really good Not sure how your degrees go over there though, you probably have a system the same. Jobs are still hard to get, but ultimately it depends on where you live. The mining sector has a lot of well paid jobs during the boom years, but most people don't want a job in the middle of Australia, wonder why
  6. G'day again!

    You'll never get lost with me map reading! I just love reading history and watching it happen on a map (borders changing etc). It's become a necessary cost to get a good job these days
  7. Hello again!

    G'day Clammy! I'm most interested in police pursuits, aka fast cars and guns haha
  8. An actual browser in game?

    Here's the go with the cinema movies:
  9. Actual gameplay(firefights)

    I'm totally for realistic gun ballistics/damage models. You're definitely not walking away from a .308 (7.62mm) bullet penetrating your unarmoured torso, even armoured (only grade 4 bullet resistant armour) you'd need immediate medical attention, with no guarantees. That would make gunfights interesting, and with at least 300 players, you could assume that groups of bandits could reach over 20, making you think and plan rather then go guns blazing (for both cops and bandits/robbers etc). On the topic of glocks/police firearms etc police should have access at least to the .45, which is a larger bullet but has less penetrating power (better for wounding, not killing). Cheers, Harrigarno
  10. An actual browser in game?

    Browsers like Google Chrome and Internet Explorer (or "Edge") or any other browser are simplish to make (or so I've been told), but you'd have to find out if you could use a search engine easily on the browser, because all search engines require you to register your website to the search engine and accept their terms and conditions. It could be as simple as porting Google into the browser, which would bypass all this, but you'd need a legal rep to read deep into the search engine of choices' t&c's to find out. Good idea though!
  11. G'day again!

    G'day all! As a quick aside, I'm glad to see the amazing new forums + website we have! I'm an Aussie, if you didn't pick that up, and I love modern history and map reading (which naturally go hand in hand). I can't wait to meet a lot of you soon as we anticipate for the release of Identity! I'm a penniless uni student who is buying a mega gaming system because I know where my priorities are at If you have any questions shoot away!