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  1. Hello from Canada!

    Hey Jaxen, i'm from the Netherlands. I'm also hyped for this game!! And if you start a channel please let me know, i would love to check it out and subscribe.
  2. I think it will be possible (I donĀ“t know for sure though) because almost everything in your house is interactive.
  3. It would be awesome if you could make one! But i dont know if its possible.
  4. Well this is great!

    Thats exactly what i thought!
  5. Greetings From Miami Florida

    Hey man! Im also hyped to play this game!
  6. Hello all :)

    Hello People! My Name is Lars and i'm a boy from the Netherlands. I saw a video on youtube about Identity, and I fell in love immediately. The looks, the idea. Everything is just so awesome! I'm so hyped to play this game! oh, and i still want to wish you all a happy new year See ya!
  7. This game looks really cool, but also very realistisc. So i was wondering, what wil be the System Requirements?