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  1. Car Company CEO

    I was thinking Identity is going to need a car industry and their should be way you can create your own car company and hire engineers to create cars. Of course we will need factories to create these cars. I am willing to start up a company before the game comes out if this request is possible. Message me if your interested in co owning and making this dream of mine no longer a fantasy!
  2. Fbi?

    no actually
  3. Fbi?

    wait your last name is mulder interesting i have a friend with that last name
  4. Fbi?

    That's a good idea, I like it.
  5. Fbi?

    idk if theres going to be uc's unfortunately
  6. Fbi?

    Well that stinks
  7. Fbi?

    maybe undercover cops would be a better idea, use them to take down the crime families and other gangs causing trouble.
  8. Fbi?

    I know this kinda isn't police but I think once the game is to the point the map is huge I think there should be the FBI and they can be called in if there is a wanted criminal running around from different parts of the map.
  9. Private Military Companies

    I was thinking and on the arma 2 island life server i play on there is a fairly uncommon job that the civilians can play: pmc. Basically if any of you guys don't know what private military companies do are they are hired mercenaries that provide security to their client, they are mostly used when their are armed conflicts occurring in the area their client operates in.
  10. Hello

    Thanks guys and I'm doing fine.
  11. Hello

    Hello everyone of the Identity community just joined all of this I'm excited to get to know some of you guys and making some new friends.