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About Nightmare_Night

  • Birthday May 22

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  1. Aurum Mining Corporation

    To Whom it may concern, I would like to make my official announcement of becoming apart of the company. As you may or may not of seen,I have fill to position of Treasurer. With such a important spot in the company, I have set goals for myself to put forth most of my time and effort into helping Fakeout make Aurum Mining a company that the consumer can trust and be satisfied with, as well with maintaining the company financially, allowing it to strive, and as well the employees of our company with a guaranteed ability to live with the paycheck they will be receiving. Sincerely,
  2. Dogs / K-9's

    I think this really would be an excellent idea that, yes, would have to be modified heavily just so it's useful in a sense, but not overpowering. But it would bring in a lot of more interesting situations. Dogs being able to chase down a fleeing criminal without the danger of an officer running after them. (Dunno if this is a repeat suggestion or not, but still like to provide my input)