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Everything posted by Fursten

  1. Can You Be A Corrupt Cop

    I can't relate since I was the biggest asshole cop who'd never accept bribes so people placed me on the hit list on CBCNR 24/7. I think this is one of many things we should leave to be judged during Alpha/Beta period and not make any decisions yet.
  2. or they could implement that you need the evidence to actually be able to win in court, or have a right to kill that person. A lot of rdm would happen if that isn't the case.
  3. It probably doesn't matter, as James said. Since private servers would have their own community and player base, while official/public servers would probably constantly be changing their governor. I suspect that, at least in the official and public server, the current governor will be changed if s/he go offline, or a vice governor will be voted forward. As those servers need constant progression when players frequently joins in and leaves, to maybe never return to that specific server. The strongest clan/community would probably also decide who to become governor in both public and private servers, as they're almost guaranteed to win the elections, unless a lot of smaller clans joins together.
  4. Another kind of crybabies Marriage would be interesting, I would obviously marry my right hand.
  5. 10-codes (realism)

    True, it would confuse the hell out of players who haven't had any earlier experience with 10-codes in any other game, or IRL. I think therefore a menu for quick radio traffic is more effective with predefined 10-codes, but also include the meaning of each of them. But there should be an alternative not to use the menu and instead put an 10-code directly into the police computer which automatically converts into an explanation of the 10-code together with where to respond, to make it easier for everyone. I think the cops should have a learning curve and 10-codes are something that's appreciated in games such as SA-MP and ARMA since it's short and effective, when few menus with predefined responses exist.
  6. Regular Blog Updates

    I find it reasonable to have doubt and critic since there hasn't been many written updates, not many new pictures and no new videos at all this year. I've counted Twitter, Facebook and this site when I'm saying that they haven't shown more than 6-7 new pictures of rag-dolls, room/scenario settings and faces/hair-prototypes this year. It's naive to protect the silence from the developers. We invest in the game, we care about the game, therefore we should know about the progress of making the game. I'm not sure if I would've actually invested in this game if I discovered this game today and saw on the front page that there only was two updates, with the latest one from march.
  7. Arma III difficulty for a newcomer

    I got introduced to the ArmA-series after I had been playing Operation Flashpoint for a while. I think OFP came out 2001 and ArmA 2006. There's a difference in difficulty now and then, but not very much. The series have always been about having a lot of options and thus an advanced key setup. I suggest that you take a look at the setup, and place buttons as you find them relevant to you personally, as other games you've played might have had a different layout and that obviously makes it a lot harder to work the magic. The truth is that you don't have to use the entire layout, there are other ways to work around not using certain commands. Tex, as standard you may keep control pressed in while pressing W or S and thus change your stance. Instead of having certain keys for all the different stances.
  8. Where are YOU gonna live?

    Well, I will get robbed everyday because of this. I'd keep the few personal items I own in the trunk of my car and also possible sleep there.
  9. Multiple characters?

    Well, if it would be allowed with more than 1 character per server, then it would be just as bad as having multies in SA:MP or Altis Life. (If you know what I mean) So no, it will probably not be accepted with more characters per server. If so, then they'll have to reinvent how transferring money and other sellable things works, to avoid someone just joining the server with 100 characters and transfer 1.000 cash per character to the main character. (If that's what the pledge gave) There wouldn't be a feeling of importance to ones character if you have one in prison, one is free, one is a cop, another one is a criminal. No, I can't imagine many players liking that non-serious way of being everything at once with 100 characters.
  10. Multiple characters?

    Most likely one character per server, however it'll be interesting with the promises of an apartment, car and cash to certain pledgers. I cannot imagine that it will be valid on every server, probably only public/official servers.
  11. Which Cars/ Vehicles Would you like to see?

    Mercedes-Benz 770: The only car suitable for a Governor *cough* Reich Chancellor *cough*
  12. rp group/server plans anyone?

    The game will probably be as easy to RP in as in Altis Life. It might not be as heavily relied on text as in SA:MP. I'll probably look forward to hosting a Nordic server and I'd be interested in police/political careers. I'll try out being criminal and business if those are good ways to become rich and successful.
  13. can't pre order. sorry fans

    I rather prefer this game to have a DRM-free alternative as a downloadable standalone client, and not only contribute to a evil dictator. # Gabe isn't making Half-Life 3 because Valve cashes in millions on just selling hats, and wouldn't like to risk making the hatbuyers angry if HL3 isn't what the fans expected it to be and Valves dominance of the digital game market backlashes.
  14. Map name?

    What if ...it's just called The Island? Lost reference
  15. Belgium Special Forces Zoekt mensen!

    verry güt änglish yues, jeg verstehen viel av det ni säger
  16. Negative Response to Role play.

    There's different levels of role-playing. Some servers will probably want you to create a RP character, in which you step into a different role and might have a different attitude rather than the real you. Always IC and never OOC. (Most likely servers where you can apply for whitelist to avoid players joining and breaking the RP rules). Some servers will probably allow use of OOC, which will allow you to be yourself/have your own personality, but still be in a RP role, e.g, cop, criminal, businessman, worker. (Most likely public servers). Both can be considered RP, but it's important to keep IC and OOC apart. I'm not a huge fan of hardcore role-playing, but I'm still going to respect the role I've either as a cop or as a criminal.
  17. apocalypse

    It would be nice with seasonal events, e.i: Christmas with presents, snow, evergreen and certain events. Easter with eggs and certain events and so on. Some players could spawn as zombies and try to infect everyone during Halloween. Zombies win: Governor is infected/Majority of the population is infected. Survivors win: Governor is not infected/Majority of the zombies are cured. However, server owners should be able to choose if they wish this upon their server ...and these events should occur once a year, not every month IMO. Events such as these has to feel special and presents/items recieved during them should be treated as rare/unique memories. Most of the SA:MP servers has a good system for seasonal events. Please report and ignore people who aren't realizing they are making this community look unwelcoming and shitty, and don't feed them.
  18. Who would you vote for?

    I would probably vote for the person who's going to support the career I choose and well, I'm not a fan of high taxes just to make a man sitting on his arse richer, but hey, it might be alright if he/she suggests free medical care. I've learned to never trust naked men from playing Rust. I shot in the air and had at least 10 naked men coming at me from the forest within seconds at the Sphere.
  19. Police in the Town Square Module

    ''As a social module, the Town Square will allow you to create and customize your characters, meet new friends and enjoy a handful of interesting and fun things to do. '' I can understand why anyone reading the description might get the idea of already being able to choose their career. But the last part probably suggest that we may go to the theater and watch movies.

    True, I thought of it myself when I saw someone suggesting that the governor should be the one assigning various police roles to the public workers. Well, what if the governor is corrupted? No, let the police be handled by a chief separately, by applications and/or server admins.
  21. So whose putting there names down for elections

    Campaigning will probably happen on the own forums of the private servers closer to the full release when we actually know what the governor can control. I guess there will be a automatic voting system on each of the public/official servers. So there will always be an active governor per server.