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About xRicky

  • Birthday December 6

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  1. The Town Square is coming to Steam!

    If this is available within next two days that will be great. Will be two things to release this week that took forever.
  2. Off-Duty Officer Question

    I'd imagine on a public server environment you would have to go suit up. However, on a private server there might be the ability to help out off-duty within server settings. Would also assume department policy would play into it.
  3. [NA/EU] Syndicate Gaming

    Yeah, I'm tracking that trials are going to be by a jury of players as far as when someone admits innocence to the charges against them. Thanks for the mention of lawyers and will update that part. Meant to say that they will have to go through the DOJ to get their certifications to be a lawyer. The point of having the State Judge and District Attorney roles will be for private server related court cases which are going to be consisting of Traffic Court and Appeals Court. Traffic Court will be for having Traffic Violations removed from a person's record so that they can have license points (tickets) expunged and/or argue the case of having a revoked license reinstated. Appeals court will be for expunging past criminal records if they can make their case on good reasoning for the charge to removed like for instance they believe there wasn't enough evidence for the charge and it was wrongly applied.
  4. Prison Suggestions

    Definitely say it has to depend on what activities are available at the prison. If the only thing to do there is stand in a prison cell and talk to other inmates then 60-minute cap in fine enough. However, if there are some form of prison activities then might expand it to a 120-minute cap. Generally, anything longer than that can cause a disinterest to the server. Although I have seen some communities that have to go an unlimited cap to work for them where people had to serve almost 800 minutes for the most serious of offenses.
  5. https://www.syndicategaming.org/ What is Syndicate Gaming? Syndicate Gaming is a PC gaming community. We are a community of players from all around the world and that also play a variety of video games. In the future, we plan on obtaining an IdentityRPG Private Server for those that enjoy roleplay. Introduction Hello all, I am Ricky, one of the Directors for Syndicate Gaming. I decided to start up this gaming community as a place for like-minded people, those that enjoy video games, to have a place to game together, socialize, and make friends. With a founding date of July 2018, this community has a lot of opportunities in store. Plans for Syndicate Gaming While we are in wait for the release of IdentityRPG to beta status or full game status the goal is to make Syndicate Gaming into a multi-game gaming community. Eventually, we will add in IdentityRPG to one of the main supported games once it makes the appropriate status. So while we wait for that to happen, we would like to make Syndicate Gaming into a community. Plans are for this to be a place to send out an invite to other members to join in on a gaming session. Some of the games to be played include League of Legends, Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege, PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, Fortnite, and more. Pretty much whatever games people are interested in are the ones we would like to support. When not gaming, we would like to make the forums and discord a place to socialize and do community events. An example of some events I would like to see is making a monthly Karaoke Night or something. Plans for Identity RPG There are plans to add in many staff positions especially for when IdentityRPG becomes a full game. Many of these positions still need to be filled prior to Identity's full release and people will have the oppurtunity to work towards being selected for one of these posistions. The staff roles that are going to be available are as follows: Staff Roles Community Director Public Relations Sub-Director (Liason between staff and members) Support Staff Judiciary Sub-Director (Manages Department of Justice) Criminal Affairs Sub-Director (Gang System Management) Administration Director Admin Sub-Director Admins Development Director (If private server modding becomes available) Development Sub-Director (If private server modding becomes available) Developers (If private server modding becomes available) Law Enforcement Director Law Enforcement Sub-Director Fire/EMS Director Fire/EMS Sub-Director These staff roles will allow full coverage of various areas within the game of IdentityRPG. Directors will serve on a Board of Directors to vote on certain community matters, although will prefer most matters to be a community-wide vote. If it's deemed that more areas needed to be covered then additional roles will be created. Job Opportunities Various jobs will be created. Government job positions like Law Enforcement, Medic, Firefighter, Dispatch will be overseen by the Law Enforcement and Fire/EMS Directors. The directors are mainly in place to investigate corruption claims and remove a department head if their department is not meeting statewide expectations. Players that are able to reach the head position of their respective department will be in charge of creating department structures and policies. Governor position will be available for civilians to run for in-game. The Governor will have certain allowed powers and details of those powers to come as more information is released about Identity. Civilian Jobs which will mostly consist of Player-Owned Businesses that will be managed through in-game systems and the Chamber of Commerce. If you are interested in a Career as a State Judge or District Attorney then you can apply to be apart of the Department of Justice which will be run by the Judiciary Sub-Director. Players will be able to become Lawyers to represent clients and create their own law firms but must become state-certified (BAR exam) through the DOJ. Players that wish to create and manage a gang must go through an application process with the Criminal Affairs Sub-Director. This is to make sure that gang leaders adhere to the guidelines and rules that are associated with a gang in relation to server rules.
  6. Ariana Grande Needs a Job

    Surprisingly a lot of people. Some people would rather play the game and have nothing to do with a forum account. Kinda unfortunate with a game like this because a lot of communities use forums for information that would be relevant to gameplay if you were to join a private server.
  7. Department Organization

    Yeah pretty much the few times I've served as Chief in a few GTA communities this is the format that has worked the best for me. Allows each person to have their own way to contribute to the department. Also divides up the work load a department needs to have to survive and prosper without one person becoming overwhelmed for trying to do too many tasks. Unless of course that is something they are interested in.
  8. Department Organization

    Reserved (In case I add more things)
  9. Department Organization

    How's it going everyone? Thought I would stop by and drop a police department structure I've been adapted over the years of my Digital Policing career. Pretty much have been doing digital law enforcement for GTA 4 LCDPFR RP and GTA 5 FiveM RP for about 7 years and this is the system I have found to work best. A lot of this information is pulled from a Officer Handbook that I have compiled over time. Pretty much going to initially cover Rank Structure and Department Units, however if someone would like me to add in other information I might be up for it. Rank Structure Command Staff Chief of Police / CoP ( ) – The Chief of Police (COP) is the highest-ranking officer in the Police Department. The COP is responsible for the planning, efficient administration, and operation of the Police Department. Assistant Chief of Police / ACoP ( ) - The Assistant Chief of Police (ACoP) assists the Chief of Police with management and operations of the Police Department. The Assistant Chief is the Officer in Charge of the department in the Chief’s absence. Administrative Staff Captain / Cpt ( ) - A Captain is assigned a designated bureau (Patrol, Special Operations, etc.) to which they have complete power of for efficient management and control. May schedule bureau wide meetings. Lieutenant / Lt ( ) - A Lieutenant is assigned as an assistant to a Captain to help with management and operations of a designated bureau. A Lieutenant will take control of the bureau in Captain's absence. May schedule bureau wide meetings. Supervisory Staff Sergeant / Sgt ( ) - A Sergeant is the primary supervisory position in the department and is required to provide instruction to assigned staff in the operation of their required duties. The basic capacity of a Sergeant is patrol supervision, but administrative and specialized assignments are also available. Police Officer III+I / POIII+I ( ) - After a month of being a Police Officer III and having served for three months in the department one becomes eligible to apply for the Supervisor Program. After passing the application and completing the interview they can embark on the Supervisor Program and receive their promotion to Police Officer III+I (SLO), a rank held exclusively by those embarking on SP. During this time, they will be tasked with basic field supervision and administrative tasks and will be mentored and trained by current Sergeants to become future Sergeants. Officer Ranks Police Officer III / POIII ( ) - After a month of being a Police Officer II, an officer becomes eligible for the promotion to Police Officer III. A Police Officer III is responsible for enforcing laws and ordinances; protecting life and property; issuing citations, making arrests, preparing reports; meeting with community members; working as a team member; and providing information to the public and departmental units. Police Officer II / POII - A Police Officer II performs basic duties such as: responding to the scene of a crime or an accident; interviewing suspects and witnesses; writing crime reports; responding to radio calls; monitoring any suspicious activity of ongoing crimes; coordinating vehicular traffic; visiting open businesses such as banks, markets, department stores, and service stations to establish a rapport with owners; booking suspects and evidence and transporting them to the appropriate Police Department facility; responding to citizens’ and visitors’ questions; and preparing Daily Field Activity Reports. Police Officer I / POI - The next step in the career ladder with the Police Department is Police Officer I. It is the rank given to all officers upon completion of the Training Program which consists of the Police Academy and FTO Phase. This rank is considered a probationary position. Cadet / Trainee - In the Police Academy, Cadets are taught criminal law, civilian interaction, and police procedure. In addition, they are trained in report writing, firearms, and driving. In the FTO Phase, Trainees continue to gain on the job experience and get one on one training with a senior officer. A Trainee will automatically advance to Police Officer I upon successful completion of the Field Training Program. Department Units Patrol Bureau The Patrol Bureau is the front line of the force and the largest unit within the department. The Patrol Division is composed dedicated and hardworking individuals that work to ensure smooth and effective community policing. These officers are under the supervision of one Captain and one Lieutenant who oversee all operations of the division. All new hires are detailed to Patrol upon the approval of their application and will be guided to success by supervisors and fellow members. Patrol Officers are responsible for patrolling the city, responding to routine calls for service, emergency responses, traffic enforcement, and maintaining a positive police presence throughout the city. Patrol Officers are the first point of contact for victims of crime and offenders. Usually what I like to do with the Patrol Division is have a Sergeant as a Squad Leader that has 5-10 Officers assigned to him. Prefer to keep it no more than 5 for low work load with management of your team (tracking activity, giving addition training, mentoring, etc.). Each Sergeant would report to the Patrol Lieutenant or Captain. Special Operations Bureau Here's an example of some of the specialty units that have been deployed over the years. There are others that could be added to this list but its unknown at this time if Identity will have the features to warrant having those units. Officers are allowed to apply to specialty units after holding the rank of POII for at least 2 weeks. With specialty units most people are only limited to one. There are a few cases where multiple specialty units can be combined like Traffic and Canine. S.W.A.T. members can also be apart of other divisions since it is a part-time unit. Traffic Unit The Traffic Unit is a unit of Patrol Officers dedicated to traffic related incidents. From aggressive traffic enforcement, DUI checkpoints, accident response and investigation, to aggressive pursuit intervention, Traffic Unit is here to ensure the roads and highways of remain safe for all drivers. Canine Unit The K-9 Unit provides a team of highly trained Officers & Canines capable of performing a variety of functions from narcotics and explosives detection, all the way to tracking suspects. Street Crimes Unit Street Crimes specializes in both apprehension of criminals as well as crime suppression. Officers are field trained for crime investigation and crime interception. They also specialize in sting operations and work closely with the SWAT to apprehend criminals. S.W.A.T. The SWAT team responds to various tactical events such as narcotics and prostitution stings, "jump outs", active shooters, and armed robbery response. Officers are trained in various fields such as building entry & clearing, crisis negotiation, aerial deployments, and long-range marksmanship. Administrative Bureau This third bureau is usually monitored and lead by the Chief and Assistant Chief in smaller departments. In larger departments a Captain is put in place to supervise the lead officers of the Administrative Divisions. Officers are allowed to apply to FTO after holding the rank of POII for at least 2 weeks. Officers can apply to HR and IA at the rank of POIII. Field Training Officers (FTOs) Field Training Officers have significant additional responsibilities over and above their law enforcement duties when assigned to train a new officer. In addition to performing in an exemplary manner, while trainees closely watch, FTOs must slow their pace to review the purpose and detail of every new encounter. FTOs must guide trainees through a comprehensive curriculum that requires the blending of knowledge and skills, and the good judgement of when, where, and how to apply them. Human Resources Human Resources staff are tasked with processing applications, conducting interviews, and maintaining personnel data (important dates, disciplinary action logs, patrol activity). Internal Affairs Internal Affairs is a division of the that investigates and makes decisions on cases brought forward by the public regarding the conduct, actions, policy, procedure, practice, philosophy, service or legal standard of the department or an employee thereof.
  10. The Best Police Weapon: Radios and Paperwork

    I can see how what you mentioned could be an issue on public servers I don't see it being that bad on community owned servers. Being a former admin on a decently popular FiveM server, I can say that if you set the tone of a serious RP environment and remove the trolls that are trying to intenionally violate break server rules and go against that goal. Of course have to understamd some people are new to roleplay and sometimes they might not fully understand the meaning behind a rule. So generally my way of going about things is to talk with a person when they violate a server rule to discuss ehat they did was wrong as well as to serve as a warning. If it happens again and it seems intentional then that is when disciplinary action is applied.
  11. [POLICE] Organization & Structure

    Definitely agree that on public side first Police Chief should be promoted internally. Should be someone that show they can handle the role and has experience in police role play. This rank structure and organization does look really nice tho. Kimda similar structure to the structure we use at my department on another RP game.
  12. What will you RP in identity?

    Will be looking to RP law enforcement. Currently have a FiveReborn server that has been great and looking at the way Identity is looking will be able to do all the things on that server and more. Also hope with large player caps will allow for large departments to be ran. So if those things do play out I can start out as an Officer for the local city police. From there work my way up to Sergeant and maybe run a Traffic Safety Unit or be in charge of Community Policing efforts.