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About Sasper

  • Birthday May 23

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  1. Devs are still testing...

    Lets say that there will be 1.000 new pledgers when TS releases. That means 1.000 new people waiting for the full game. How many years has it taken just to make the TS module? The full game will need much more work which means longer time before its done = hype will die
  2. I guess we could arrange matches ourselves and pay salary through ticket income?
  3. Political Analysts

    Correct me if I'm wrong on this, but why would you want to limit it to people who are already involved in Identitys parties, @LuciousTimes ? @FrancePourLaVie I might give it a go if I get time in the nearest future
  4. Political Analysts

    I think the easiest thing would be if you made a questionnaire and got all parties to respond :-)
  5. Does anybody know how I can delete attachment to make space for new ones?

    #Troubled #GivingUpOnLifeSoonO.o

  6. Updated List of Services Provided by DollaBank LLC.

    In Denmark I have 0,200 which is very high
  7. Why Is identity so delayed?

    The Town Square module is delayed by 6 months and counting. This topic has been up before, and almost everybody agreed on one thing: That the developers have to publish anything they got, before this forum loses interest and the hype disappears. This first module should be the "social" one, and I feel like it will be veeery boring to watch the same 6 movies, doing karaoke, talking to people and going to the museum over and over again. I think the devs could keep people's interest in the first module by releasing anything now, and update it frequently. That way we as consumers would also have our say and opinion heard, to maybe influence the game. Just my opp
  8. resist · Streetwear Clothing

    New webpage 2. collection soon to come!
  9. WE MADE IT 345k+ VIEWS

    We finally made it to facebook! Actually I've been thinking about contacting a gaming page, regarding Identity. Seems like somebody finally did! In just 6 hours, the video has got 345.000+ views and 2400+ shares! And welcome to all the newcomers!
  10. PlayerUnknown's Battleground

    I've only been watching vids and streams of this, tho, I feel like you're running around gathering loot until you get shot by somebody you didn't even see... So I agree with @Sjondefries
  11. First "game" I have ever pre-ordered

    I feel like this begins to look a lot like No Mans Sky - just saying things that they know will make people happy, without really doing them.
  12. Release date or beta?

    Currently, there's no release day on neither. The first module, Town Square, was set to release early 2017, and it's still not out yet. People have begun to speculate if it's all a scam or if the game will ever come out.
  13. :O

    Mine says 89% too D: I'm from Denmark aswell
  14. Opening up a bar?

    Lol 1) buy house then 2) buy interior so it'll look like a bar
  15. Fries for Govenor

    I see your point. But it is not everybody who are able to take care of them selfs. And especially such a basic and important thing like healthcare should be a right for everybody - maybe by highering the taxes? I guess it's just me who would feel like these taxes is veeeeerrryy low! Here in Denmark the lowest tax is about 40% - and I'm pretty sure the highest is 56%. I think it'll funny to have debates from such many cultures as Identity will represent - and of course to see the outcome of it