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About JohnAllington

  • Birthday 11/07/1996

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  1. I think it's time to say "Thank you" to the Team!

    Hello nice that you all join me and also says "thank you" the development team deserves it. @Paratus
  2. Hello best Community of the World Everytime when i hear about things working actually then i hear frustated voice that say: "they are kidding us" and "the team is not working properly" In other Forums they say "Identity is scam". Guys? really? do you follow the path of the developing to talk like that about the project? do you think you can do it better? I think you should remember that this is the first project of Asylum Entertainment! I think you should remember that this is not a 1000-Man team, that this game develops as if it would be the fifth part of the game! You should be grateful that the team is putting so much love into this project and developing it - every day and every night! So my Message to the Team: Thank you for all the strength and love you have invested in the project and will continue to invest! You are doing a good Job! The community stands behind you and supports you in every situation! Thank you! Please note: If I have made mistakes while writing I am sorry but I am from Germany and English I have learned only in school best regards John Allington
  3. Heii I hope a developer can answer it.. an approximate size is enough for me^^ greetings from germany John Allington
  4. Heii everyone^^ Does anyone know how much memory Identity will use? Because we have to download it.. so yeah.. Greetings from germany John Allington
  5. How many GB will Identity take?

    maybe i got it wrong... Identity will be realeased in Q2 or Q3 in 2018? And the Beta will playable in Q1 2018? Geetz John
  6. How many GB will Identity take?

    Okee.. thanks for the info.. yep the first module.. I'm so excited *o* but you dont know when it finally comes out... right? Greeetz John
  7. How many GB will Identity take?

    Hello, i wanna know how big Identity will be.. is anyone know something about that? I asked Paratus in PM but he not read yet.. i know he is busy and i am not the only one in the message box^^ thanks for help John -Allrounder- I like it to help where i can - Design(Pictures, Banners and Wallpapers) - Programming - Teamspeak 3 Server Setup(other on demand) - Translate German/English