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About sweetandlow

  • Birthday 07/23/1991

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  1. Developer Q&A sponsored by Powergaming7

    Nearly died when my question was answered. I want to play so badly!!!!
  2. Painfully Waiting....

    The guy off manhunt being a mental psychopath sounds like a keeper lol
  3. Painfully Waiting....

    He sounds like a keeper
  4. Painfully Waiting....

    GTA clothes sucks when you want to dress girly Ps I love the Sims as well. I think every female gamer secretly does
  5. Clothes designer

    I know in invu it's hard to make clothes.
  6. Painfully Waiting....

    Haha I just used painfully because I'm dramatic. I'm just super excited is all. It's something I'm looking forward to. I'm by no means hurrying the developers but time lol
  7. Painfully Waiting....

    Is anyone else painfully Waiting for the game to come out? I feel as if I'm going to explode with excitement. I can't wait anymore but I guess I'll have to. Wish I could watch more Game play or something! Or had a count down date till the module came out. Ugh so excited!!!!
  8. Clothes designer

  9. What will you RP in identity?

    I want to start a clothing line and marry the richest person on my server and be catty with other rich wives and maybe get kid napped and held for a ransom.
  10. Clothes designer

    Sorry if this is a repeat question. I know all the clothes will be designed by US the users. ( which is epic ) if I wanted to create a clothing line how difficult will it be? It this something like point and click in game or coding and complicated stuff outside of the game that you must upload? I really want to start a clothing line Any information will be awesome! Can't wait to no life this game lol