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  1. Create Your Identity

    Looking good
  2. Suggestions for Similar Type Games

    Arma 3 Life / Altis Life The developers of this game also have an Altis Life server so I suggest you chefk that out, you just buy Arma 3 on steam (Winter sale right now!) and you find their server in the server browser and you join it. If you just put Role playing game in the filter options all the life server should pop up, some of them require mods but Altis Life doesn't.
  3. This Community Is Great & Age

    Although I understand that the younger people can be annoying as hell we're not all like that, I myself am 13 years old and people have always told me that I am really mature for my age and I've met a lot of other young mature people. If they troll they'll get banned anyway, doesn't matter what age they are.