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JEKOV last won the day on April 21 2020

JEKOV had the most liked content!

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154 Diamond Miner



  • Birthday 11/17/1998

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  1. What's to come

    Go back into the dreamland you came from KEK
  2. What's to come

    Oof poor you man. that seriously sucks
  3. Ship crew or anything alike?

    A year late but i dont think there will ever be a game actually
  4. Buyer Beware!

    IDC if i get into trouble for doing this but and ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ヅ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ヅ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Well i am exactly one of those ppl spending 3 to 5k on Star Citizen lul AND I DONT REGRET IT COZ I AT LEAST CAN PLAY IT NOT LIKE THIS
  6. Who is still alive in the Forum?

    My signature shall speak for me
  7. Posting As Someone Who Is Unbiased

    Well said person of the internwebs, well said.
  8. The most recent Dev blog...

    Be carefull that you dont insult anyone with saying that, or else you end up with a warning like me <-< Also
  9. What games are you currently playing while waiting?

    a playable game, unlike this
  10. No update for 2 month??

    I think it reached the point where those who can´t refund should make a collective suit against the devs.. if my comment gets deleted eh whatever.
  11. Would be good, wont be a thing. Like it would be stupid for them to do it like this, if they told us e.g that they have to make a break& give a real reason but never made a break that would be cool. BUT just being BEGONE without any trace... you see what it caused so far
  12. Just refund everyone

    Did you two already activate the game on steam or not? because if not you for sure can ask for a refund ( -> do so here )
  13. No update for 2 month??

    Yo, in all seriousness now. why dont you just refund? i refunded myself too. Also, why check to forums still if you know that nothing will happen? Just play other games. dont wait for this coz this can take... well 5 more years.. or more... (100% more but shhhh. bad tongues would only say that)
  14. No update for 2 month??

    Ah all the internet PhD´s. i love it