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  1. Car Modification (Specific Parts)

    that sounds awesome! also like the idea of having to get your cars fixed by mechanics
  2. Markets, fairs and festivals

    that would be cool !
  3. Markets, fairs and festivals

    sounds great
  4. Housing

    sounds great !
  5. Marriage?

  6. Real roleplayers

    or hire a hitman if needed! this game could be great . because it kind of weeds the trolls out without having to complain and report people constantly .
  7. Real roleplayers

    well there is police for a reason
  8. Island Boxing Championship

    great idea!
  9. Hitman/Wetworker

    drive bys would be fun
  10. Bar and Night Club Owner

    yea its the best way i think . people need to have control of everything and own everything creating a realistic environment.
  11. Can You Be A Corrupt Cop

    yea sure what is your tag ?
  12. Weapon Trafficking

    this is also something i would also love and well trying in the real world is not such a good idea maybe we could work together
  13. Can You Be A Corrupt Cop

    there have to be corrupt cops . it would easy to regulate i think if you get caught been corrupt then you should go to jail and loose your ability to be a cop again
  14. Dear haters of Identity...

    a lot of the people hating on this game from what i have seen just cant understand a rpg games. . unfortunately the new age of gamers like braindead games where you dont have to use your brain at all and can just zone out to the screen and not have to put any time into it .so yes i understand this game in the era of gamers where living in will get hate but we who like it and enjoy using our brain and putting our time into games like this will just have to vote with our money .
  15. Small communities

    i love bigger communitys tbh