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About Horak

  • Birthday 06/16/1994

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  1. One Bedroom Apartment Decorated

    I still only can enter the studio apartment.
  2. They probably mixed up the number of backers with the number of created accounts.
  3. What are the rules for custom Logos?

  4. Citizens counter correct on Home page? 156k+?

    Probably they confused the actual cititzens count for the people who pledged with the people who just created an account. That's what I think.
  5. Two bedroom apartment

    Alright, let's hope it won't be too expensive. Thank you.
  6. Two bedroom apartment

    Yeah I haven't seen the video for a while and I upgraded pretty recently. Hmm, do you know if the luxury two bedroom will be available again at some point? Because I really like it.
  7. Two bedroom apartment

    I never saw this post before. I only saw the blueprints at the "New screenshots" posts where this isn't mentioned and the two bedroom apartment is missing. So I assumed it will be the one on the picture because it was right below the luxury one bedroom apartment for the 250 Dollar pledge.
  8. Two bedroom apartment

    Oh wow. I pledged the VIP one because I thought I'll get the one from the blueprint. That's disappointing now.
  9. Two bedroom apartment

    But the shape in the video looks really different to the shape of the blueprint. Plus there is no balcony in the video.
  10. Let's talk about that Dev Blog

    I am just curious if the game will also be available for purchase as an early access title on steam, when the first module is released. In which case it might get negative reviews right at the beginning, if some people find it on steam and expect it to be a full version of the game.
  11. GTA V RP Server

    Hey! I just wanted to know how many of you are playing on a GTA V RP server while waiting for Identity. And if you do, on which one? I am currently playing on GTA Life. It's a German Whitelist Hardcore RP Server and it is so much fun!
  12. Hallo

    Unfortunately you have to wait, like we all do, because it's not finished yet.
  13. CanĀ“t see Devblog #5

    Oh wow, I am so excited!
  14. Identity City - Game

    Structure 56: A giant Taco Bell.