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About Akashaheart

  • Birthday 07/31/1974

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  1. What games are you currently playing while waiting?

    Stopping by asylum now
  2. What games are you currently playing while waiting?

    I been trying to find some good arma life mod servers so far my options r limited so i settle for nopixel, metropolis andi just got into a3L Life
  3. What games are you currently playing while waiting?

    Anyone been playing GTa RP I started playing on it i like it alot more female model options than most arma life mods
  4. Radio Stations

    II Understand and that is what other stations are for and it really is not any different then a regular radio station one station plays r&b another plays mixed..another country..etc
  5. Radio Stations

    It is within reason they can request what ever song they want just not heavy metal .
  6. Radio Stations

    Well for one i only listen to a few of those artist and from those few only a few songs just a personal choice shuga plus only time i might listen to it is if i was playing something like Cool Boarders yep thats old and i still play it. I have to be in a mood for it
  7. What games are you currently playing while waiting?

    LAtely I Been Playing Black Desert, Rust,Arma Rp, Elder Scrolls Online (finally got my damn house) might dip into GTa Rp
  8. Radio Stations

    K.Y.R.P. RADIO Music from the 70s til now (no heavy metal)I currently do private radio for some RP servers and whom ever wants to listen in and out game So this could be my part time job.
  9. Hi all, another one from the UK

  10. Hello Texan Here

  11. Hello Texan Here

    I will be your neighborhood Exotic Pie Lady. Bringing you the tasty pies homemade from scratch and made with Love. I usually play on Arma Life Communities and can't wait to dive into this game. Hope 2 C U Around