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Cryogenix3 started following Scootifer
Hello there :), My name is Scoot Afferleene, the director of ops over here at Alpha Military Corp. I offer you today a leader role placing you in direct command during operations. Movements, plans, and pretty much anything under the sun during an op is up to you.
Scootifer started following Cool Clutter and Useful Daily Items
Hello, To prep myself for this game I've been playing some GTA V. In GTA there is pent houses for companies (I'm sure you've seen these). I propose having the option to clutter your house/apartment/office just like the GTA V penthouses are cluttered. Drugs and money everywhere! Also I propose cluttering gun shelves or racks with the guns that are in them. For the objects in your house I could see them being separate objects. Like units of cocaine (however you do them Kilograms, grams, pounds, doesn't matter) are in a brick or baggie that you can place on a counter. This could possibly add some lag, so baggies probably shouldn't be made, but a brick or stack of bricks could probably be done (Same with a stack of money). As for the Items. I suggest a scale (for measuring), a tray that you can put drugs on (could be used rather than bricks Just give them an inventory and have them display a little model of what is currently on it), next is a money counter. The money counter is obviously not as useful, but it would be a cool animation and fun little addition to the game if there is a business meeting in a penthouse to see the money counter going. Thank you for reading and have a wonderful day.
A little update to all, the devs have announced that they will not be allowing player owned casinos, sorry to disappoint you. I'm sure you could have some low key pay to play games though
Hide the safe in the vent
Hello my name is Scott :), I have to say I am so excited for the game that I actually can't wait. I have a few ideas for the game which I think could add to the game a lot so please do read them. I believe that A. Hiding things in the air vent of your house/apartment, This could be a good addition because a house/apartment owner could hide valuables in them, or criminals could hide amounts of drugs in there so if the police break in or someone else comes in they might not check in the vent and the items could be saved (Just a though but it wouldn't be too difficult, hell I could probably do it). B. A personal name system. This is extensive so may be long to explain. I propose a nickname system in which a player (x) could see a player (y) and then a player (z). If player Z looks at player Y he sees the name Scott, but if player X looks at player Y he will see the name Paul. This would have to be a locale file or a database that has a players unique ID and then what the player named them. This way a player Y could tell player X his name is Paul but player Z his name is Scott or if no name was set then nothing would show. I feel like this could add to the realism, and cancel out hardcore metagaming, but you would have to add a system where a player is trying to set a nickname for another if prompts both players with an acceptance box. The box couldn't prohibit gameplay so rather than use the mouse to check yes or no it would have to be a key. This is so that in a gunfight someone can't run up and stop another player from shooting. These are just a few ideas.