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Everything posted by NutterButter

  1. Pets

    I want a chicken- black, Brown, white, and Easter eggers And ducks. And potbelly pigs. And of course fish, maybe they'll make scar faces mansion in the game, shark aquarium and all(: thatd be rather lovely. Ik I'm hiding in the maze, come get me police! *unsheathes machete* Yolo!
  2. apocalypse

    It's cause I'm too cool for you isn't it. You upset I'm still young, and loving it? Woot! Go energy! But I gotta uninstall you the old fashioned way first- Remeber the 'white out' for permanent fuck ups- I got my own special blends ready to blend you back into dirt, or matter- or star dust. Lolol
  3. apocalypse

    *gets on identity* *taps continue* *walks outside and lasers are shooting* *does* *contemplated what just happened to my life sim* *gets off, uninstalls identity*
  4. Pets

    Thays how you interpreted it but hey, logic bruhhhh Even if it's dark- gotta get home yo
  5. Human Trafficking

    The new cops from the other servers are here because the moderators told them we have a lil problem with authority..... And well, they wouldn't just take a crate n call I good so I popped em and they followed me. I guess I shoulda had another spare ride but oh well. Got a gun?
  6. Death

    It's okay, I just try to double check that a fifth grader could make sense of what I'm saying, unless it involves "adult entertainment". Lolololol
  7. Pets

    There's gotta be a variety so not everyone's rolling around with both the same dog and cat, or the same car alone, or same dog alone. Like perhaps a smaller cat, with like 12 different coat colors, a medium sized cat with another 12, and a large cat with another 12- and same for the dogs, but there needs to be like 12 different breeds for each the dogs available, and cats .. Idk.. I'm a dog person. And I like pigs too, but there very mean if you don't try to be friends with them. And give them attention should be required to, like daily feeding and watering like every 24 Hrs (at minimum) with choice to give more food and water. Just a idea- and to be able to bring your dog with you or put them into a carry kenle if they're small enough or its a cat! And dogs sit in your car going to the place nobody is seated (make your friends sit in the back while your NPC dog sits in the front ) and if there's no room, the animal just makes their way back home or despawns soon or dies or Idk...
  8. Death

    Ooooooooh! You're saying death compared to a injury. I see now. Sorry. Lil not of confusion o.O
  9. Human Trafficking

    You're right. I'm gonna call you one minute before i arrive with a pick up truck with 4 crates. Those crates are your money and the police are on my tail. Thanks for the boat lift tho, we will make corruption like no other!
  10. Death

    And if I push you off a cliff were just saying you tried to kill yourself????
  11. Police Corruption.

    Boom baby^
  12. Quick, before they see!

    Yeah. I check all my history- and often look into my unread content or missed activity to see wazup.
  13. Human Trafficking

    Ask vix about shotties Unless your a cop who receives a pump action or sometin, you don't get nm more dan a peestole..
  14. Quick, before they see!

    For me tho, Idk what were doing. Something about counting to thirty before Lamar recognizes it so that it can switch to me or sometin?
  15. Quick, before they see!

  16. Human Trafficking

    Good luck obtaining a shot gun, but you can surly ride me home :D
  17. Speed limits

    I'm just gonna park on the side of the road with the hitch hiker pose, because I need gasoline- but then they pull over, and I beat them up and throw them in their trunk and we're off to see the wizard!!!! They'll be in a alley yelling help from their car.... Lololol.
  18. Hello From New Yawk!

    Why Do we see something, look at it and start commenting bullshit? Especially when there's herbs to smoke!
  19. Human Trafficking

    This is one of those things where you're driving along the hwy from work to home- and you see a dude mobbing from a bear. My quick reaction enables me to turn off road and throw and car into a bear- at 60mph. granted I'll be fucked up, our police friend will continue being a survivor. bear fought the law, and the law won! Lololol Unless bears can take a 3,000 pound vehicle slamming then, and then into a tree at 60 miles a hour, I think we are gooooood.
  20. Airplanes!

    You have a special way of saying things. It's so rude, yet it's more of a assertive rude like- you say( -.O "fuck no, you ain't getting a plane, but I have like 20 other goodies you can have" ) It's oh so bittersweet. Like vodka with sodipop. (i hate vodka,lol)
  21. Who would you vote for?

    I voted for myself(: But then I seen Motown on there in the results and I was like- awwwww...Shit Oh well. Better luck next time! I'll revote game launch.
  22. Airplanes!

    Do you own a plane yourself jahan? Do you know anyone that owns a company like that? Just a reminder, the game is about being immersive- when you think of adding things- think how unimmersive gta is and what happens when you have planes(lots of crashes and hitting people and jumping out the plane to get to your location- but is this immersive? Do you see it happen or hear of it often in real life?) This is a life sim- not gta, not tryna be rude at all, just tryna make you smarter and be able to bring about ideas not already discussed, and that are immersive as it gets. If you need any knowledge- there's youtube videos, and a guy that posts new stuff that will be in identity- on like a couple day basis(i haven't checked in the last week, so don't trip on me). And if you've seen all the YouTube available, you can always go to Twitter where there's questions being answered ALLLLLL the time(: I hope that this helps, that you can have a blast checking out all the stuff you've maybe yet to uncover, and that you'll be able to bring about some more fantastic ideas(: I hope to read your future posts if you decide to speak some ideas, good luck, and see you around!

    Uhm.... Do you see how my name rhymes with govna? I'm first, as dizzle the govninizzle, is 3rd Or 2nd ;P Pew pew shot down(;
  24. Deja Vu

    That's how I am, but if you're a dick head, I'll defend myself and try to dig deeper to gain a understanding, because I love to know what I'm doing wrong so I can get better, but I hate assholes as there is a kind way to go about everything- and there's a way to be a douche bag(:
  25. Deja Vu

    Your profile picture would be seducing if it didn't look like one of those baby angels. But hi, you can call me NB for short- but my full name is The Mad Nutter. Me and the mad hatter from Alice in wonderland are besties. What's your favorite drawing that's not your profile pic?