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  1. Hello there! sorry that i didnt really introduce myself but you can call me Luca or just LucaPlays, i have seen that identity(the game) was a thing just a week or 2 ago while browsing around on the internet. i found identity because i saw the trailer and liked it so much that i needed to know more so that's why im here ! i love realistic rpg's that put you in a massive immersive world that you can explore and identity seems to be just that, when i saw the trailer i knew it had pottential! if the game really is the way its presented then.. NO WORDS but if it is not then i wont be buying it. i watched the trailer a couple of times, i just couldnt resist it! now if you people want this to be a great succes and no failure Vote Succes on the poll and comment you're ideas! but if you dont think it is real vote failure on the poll. I myself think it will be a succes but i have no knowlege of the developement of the game other then what the developers post. but i would like to thank you all for taking some time out of your day and reading this!
  2. House/appartment Prices

    The appartment and house prices. i dont want them to be like 5000 or lower prices like that but more like 15000 for one of the cheapest,40000 for a more luxurious one but smaller,100000 for a luxurious one that has more space but less rooms,200k luxurious and plenty of space and so on but this is not a accurate speculation of mine because of the money systeme..the money system has not been "Confirmed"to be like the way real life works because RPG/MMO games also need to be somewhat realistic atleast this one. if you would for example be able to buy a house when playing like...4 hours it would be a little to fast butt it would be alot better if you could for example get a hotel for a week or more IRL time for only a couple 10-100 per night but im not sying this would go for every one because like i said 10-100 a night, the 10 would then be for more old and "more unluxurious" ones and the more luxurious and nicer they are the more pricey. Now back to houses and Appartments, if you are poor and want to have a "roof"above your head you could buy a little shack somewhere more unpopulated and less rich. but if you have the money you can buy a real big house or even a mansion to live in..have your own cleaner... now i want to stop talking an let you think of more idea's in the comments of this post, Thanks for lissening and have a good day.
  3. i have a Geforce GTX 950 and i dont know if i can run the game... Do you need a very good Pc rig to run it or not... if you do i would deffinitly freffer to beable to change the Grapphics seetings In Game so that others with a worse pc can still play it in a nice smooth fps so that me and my friends can still play eventho my friends have worse rigs. i know this should and normally will be added to the game but i dont want the game to have minor diffrences if youy do for example Low it just lowers the texure quality... if you think the game should be well optimized and have a modarate amount of graphics settings to choose from Like this and answer or via comment or via poll. Thanks for lissening and have a good day!
  4. Console Game!

    i would love it if Identity would be on a console(s) If it would many more players could get the idea of playing the game without needing a gaming pc that is over 1000 dollars. many rpg fans that like playing them on consoles can then also start playing this game on the console plus there may be more players in the game if it would be - on the console. if you like the idea and want this to happen please let the developers know and motivate them to do it! Thanks for lisening! have a good day