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About itstomeo

  • Birthday December 25

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  1. 紅龍兄弟會 (REDDRAGON) [UPDATED 09/02/17]

    Haha, For sure we can be allies! Thanks!
  2. 紅龍兄弟會 (REDDRAGON) [UPDATED 09/02/17]

    Thanks, Dmonic, I actually am from Chinese decent, half Chinese (Hong Kong) and half caucasian. I wanted to create a semi-accurate gang that can be somewhat close to a real Chinese gang. I, unfortunately, can't speak fluent Cantonese but I did have help writing all the translations (thanks grandma). Thanks, Corn, I love the vibe also! that's exactly why i made it!
  3. Thank you, We will be in touch.
  4. Click here for template link (Forums link): Here
  5. This template is free to use as long as you give credit, You can modify it to your needs... *Enjoy* (Future) RP Name: What position do are you applying for?: Steam Profile and Identity Profile link: Forums Rank/Identity Pre-order package (founder, Citizen, Cabbie Etc.): Will you be in attendance for modules?: Do you understand the requirements and the Oath for admission into this organization?: Why should we accept you? Did someone invite you? If so, who?: What is your current reputation in-game and/or Forums? (1-10 ) (1=Eh not so good:/ 10= Great! Players love me!) Current In-Game Playtime:(Not applicable...Yet.) Proof of In-Game Playtime(Take a screenshot of your current time!): (Not applicable...Yet.) Any questions?:
  6. The Agency

    Well designed organisation! look forward to a Collaboration in the future! Best of luck!
  7. The Laundromat

    Laundromat Money Laundering, My colleague had this brilliant Idea just this very morning.
  8. Luprano Family: Current Hierarchy

    marvellous layout! I can not wait for the final draft.
  9. The Gentleman's Club

    Well, Sir I would not necessarily consider my organisation as a Quote "Criminal Enterprise" But more of a secret Society if you will.
  10. The Gentleman's Club

    Why, hello Mr. Winston I have recently gained interest in your club. I would like to learn more about admittance. Perhaps we could do business down the road. Does there happen to be more requirements then listed on your post?