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Everything posted by fedris89

  1. How does jailtime work?

    Okay guys, the devs stated many times this game is cops and robbers at its heart. You are concerned with people being encouraged to be criminals. You want strong stern punishment to prevent it. This game is cops and robbers first, with nice fun options on the side. 3 hours in jail? 24 hours in jail? No that is ridiculous. Think of it as a wheel, cops need crime, the lawyers and civil servant players need crime. If every player that wants to be a criminal is stuck in jail for anything over an hour guess who is having fun? The prisoners with their riot minigames. The cops have nothing to do neither do the lawyers. Furthermore people like me who works full time and goes to school full time may only have 1 or 2 days a week they can play. So if I get a prison sentence of 24 hours on my only day off or even 3 hours, I will quit this game so fast it's not even funny. My little free time is too valuable to waste because a few players want to discourage crime in a (cops and robbers) focused game. That's ridiculous