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Everything posted by SharpShep

  1. The Anarcho-Capitalist Movement

    I can't waste your time i am not keep you here or forcing you responding and if you did not care you would not respond. Also you have not responded to a singe thing i have said any of the times i posted the facts. So pot calling the kettle black much. Lastly saying there is credible information if i looked for it is not accurate. Since are view of whats credible seem to be very different. Lastly i have not been editing my posts here to make them look better after the fact like you. and for someone who set the topic you seem to fail to see this is less of a place for you to say what your think and more of the political version of a freak show where we come to laugh at you have you even read what everyone is saying well the the last word on this goodnight and know i won't be reading anymore of these for the sole reason i know that fact will realy piss you off.
  2. The Anarcho-Capitalist Movement

    Yes because that is about where your view on this matter are counted in the world around that level and i only disprove creditable sources professes of economics world leaders with any experience. The medical community in reality is a bit of a mess since doctor are bias toward no free health care for profit or someone getting the idea people have the right to live!
  3. The Anarcho-Capitalist Movement

    I did you started posting nuts and bias people as your sources and have not show a single fact from a respected source this entire talk. Or even replied to the facts i posted. The only thing you have proven from the comments show far is that you think Trump who has no medical or political experience is somehow notable.
  4. The Anarcho-Capitalist Movement

    Aunt had it still alive went great...well as good as cancer goes but keep listening to your "sources" wait you don't have those you have the same company as twin tower deniers and the people who think sandy hook did not happen. Crazy people the real would will never listen too or respect since they have nothing of value to say.
  5. Robbing a Bank

    Yes but this is a game people take risks they won't in real life and there is no way to fix that. So enjoy a group of people who want to be the hero.
  6. Robbing a Bank

    Read through the posts i said to kill the hostages but for a few that are your men as plants and to go when there is almost no one there so you only have to kill and control a few people.
  7. The Anarcho-Capitalist Movement

    HAHAHAHA Who cares what Trump thinks he has no political experience or history of working in medical care he is literally not qualified to have an any opinion and your using \and your sources omg you using the Huff post and two no name websites. I knew you would be a bit nutty or a troll but come on man this is just sad i'm out. I am not gonna keep picking on a guy with a clear mental disorder.
  8. Stop and Frisk

    Tsk Tsk Tsk even if i get out of the car unless you have probable cause. You still can't search anything more then is plainly in sight. Even to pull me over you would need a reason.
  9. The Anarcho-Capitalist Movement

    Well first off i am form Canada so my health care is great like in most first world countries. Second america could easily afford to fund a great health care program within there current budget but they overspend on military matter by a lot to the point that even the generals are asking they to stop buying tanks. That is been a ongoing issue for a long time now. They spend 569 billion a year on it and the next leading county is china at 190 billion so yeah that is not even funny they could easily slash the budget a bit and do a two teir system like in the uk. Now i notice you have a lot of thought on the matter but would you like to discuss facts like how in america under there pay for health care system people who need treatment are put in crippling debt because of the lack of coverage. Cause at least with any wounds you try to inflict i can get them fixed free of charge.
  10. Stop and Frisk

    As a future pain in your butt lol. I am thankful you are interested in the small but important details. and it won't be that big of a problem if they frisk us without cause. My bet is it would work like a real court case being thrown out for obtaining the evidence in a non legal way.
  11. Robbing a Bank

    It's interesting you say that but there is no hard or easy in this game. Since there are no AI to fight it's pvp so it is only a matter of being able to out gun the cops and force a bank manager to open the vault.
  12. The Peoples Party

    Fair enough if your in a county that cares if you die if you are not rich. Or does not want you in crippling debt for getting needed medical treatment then that is about right.
  13. Sheriff Elections

    Ah the elected sheriff one of histories most idiotic idea because why should a highly skilled person be hired for a job.....When you can have a literal popularity contest.
  14. The Anarcho-Capitalist Movement

    Free health care the gift the best countries in the world give the citizens makes taxes worth it all the way.
  15. Will there be an Illegal parking system?

    Oh this is gonna be hilarious when a cop decides to try this in a non safe zone.
  16. Robbing a Bank

    It's kinda of a idiocy stalemate where the robber has a slight advantage. A guy going for the gun might die which is a pure shit 50/50 odds. But the robber is screwed either way if it fails dead man or not and is tense so may double down on his action for a chance at a big score. Meaning he is assured to be screwed if someone goes for there gun and stops him. But only maybe screwed if he kill the person and gets away.
  17. Framing your enemy's

    Will it be possible to frame your Criminal and Political Rivals in the game. Also cops that are getting to close or People who are not paying you what you are due. For instance you kill someone. When you know your target is asleep or alone and then plant the gun on them later. Give the police a tip after the deed is done then watch the fun.
  18. Framing your enemy's

    Good to hear you life the idea. I think everyone is so focused on the small picture flashy thing like drugs and murder for the game. That they seem to forget there is protection money and monopolies to be founded and if god will a few scam artiest mixing things up with pure charm.
  19. Robbing a Bank

    Yes if someone was threatening you and your family yes it makes sense. But here is the thing about most real life robbers they don't want the murder charge it is worse then the jail time for armed robbery non the less it added on to it. So it is safer to stay put in real life. Because who cares if a bank gets robbed other then the bank and the cops. I care more if a person gets robbed because they are not insured for everything and don't have a entire law firm on call to make sure they get everything they are due.
  20. Video Advertisements

    If the game gets big enough having a few real world products and add like billboards or radio for them in the games art would not be so bad if it allowed the devs more money to hire people. I don't mind stuff like that if it matches the games style. Just no videos never dam videos. frankly it kinda build the world more then hearing every dam dumb name people can think of based off real product cok e cola..........or bebsi
  21. 1 week season cycle

    That is a a great way to do it you get a nice full feeling of each season that way.
  22. Gun Licenses

    Licence to carry idea is good but needs some balance like the fact the police should need a reason to stop and search you since that is how it works in the real world and anyone who has a gun they are not supposed to is just going to conceal it so the police do not have reason to search. and role play being consensual is a terrible idea brought up by small groups of players who think they have the right to dictate how a game should be played. Or can i call that i do not Consent to playing with cops so they can't stop me from robbing banks the devs have already done the smartest thing possible by declaring safe zones so the player who don't want to deal with it don't have to. In short in this game if you don't won't to deal with criminals stay out of areas they are allowed to be criminals.
  23. Robbing a Bank

    Also i never said that someone deserves to be killed in RL for trying to stop a robber. Though it is a somewhat predictable outcome which is why police don't advise ever doing it. I was only stating a very brutal and effective way to rob a bank in a video game. Since the main reason to not commit murder is an ethical one. So it does not apply to video games since instead of loss and sadness you bother someone a little at most. As for any servers with real jail i don't think they will be very popular criminals so the cops won't have anything to do and won't like it either. They will attract trolls like hell since the people who like killing people for no reason love getting a reaction and people who hate getting killed will live there. Which is why i will avoid them since i like to play my character will they be bad? Oh god yes but there will be reason not madness to it.
  24. Robbing a Bank

    Yet again my point. In RL you want to live in a game you want to play the hero which is why you just kill all the hostages but a few which are your own people you planted in the group.
  25. Robbing a Bank

    First off my point is that a crime should work how it is in real life if your careful and take your time and are not noticed it should not just be auto detected by the game for the police. It should have to be discovered or witnessed by a real person or a cop. Sorry that realism is a problem for you. and your right they won't stay idle which is why i said i will kill them to remove that problem. Because hostages in game won't act like real ones. Also was why i had a backup plan of letting my own people out to flank the robbers or just have people wait around corner. So thank you for proving my point on why you need to murder all the hostages because they will not sit idle like real ones.