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Posts posted by KingBen1223

  1. 13 hours ago, Jinx said:

    There has been no mention of payment, maybe at some point they may make Author a career, who knows. I know you can apply to have books published to the 'world' library.....i.e they'd be in all libraries not just a single server, at the very least you could certainly achieve fame as an author.

    I agree, being an author could be very affluential. Luckily, I have incorporated a publishing house to my company, so in case there is not author career, authors will still be able to profit from there hard work. You are welcome to check it out for yourself, just click on the link in my signature.

  2. 13 hours ago, GeneSmith said:

    If your offer still stands I would love to be a part of it.

    I'm sorry sir. Originally the Platinum club was supposed to be a contender to the Gentlemans club. It was picking up popularity, but not enough to my satisfaction. Luckily Herzog contacted me about 3 weeks ago inviting me to the Gentlemans club, and seeing it's beastly superior popularity, I joined. I have been with the Gentlemans club ever since, as have you. Consider the Platinum Club dissolved. Thank you for you interest and consideration into my old idea though lol.

    • Like 2

  3. 3 hours ago, Jinx said:

    We're a group of eleven players, six of who are female, so I guess we must be the exception to that rule lol

    Once again, it's just from my experience as a gamer. Right now the two games most similar to Identity, Arma 3 altis life and Gta V, I have 400+ hours in altis life and I have only once ever encountered a female player, and that was in the police force, which is great. And in GTA V, with 200+, never ever have I ever encountered a female player. I really do hope that Identity does have a large female player base though, as it would really make the game way more realistic and immersive, as well as diversify the game community. I am glad your group has a large female player base, but I am just stating that from my experience, I doubt there will be many women playing this game. 

    • Like 2

  4. 4 minutes ago, Luck said:

    IK u weren't Im just fucking around

    Oh ok lol. Sometimes it hard to tell when people are joking when it comes to online messaging.

  5. 1 hour ago, Luck said:

    And what did u just assume our genders were males

    Lol no I am not saying that. Just saying that the vast majority of gamers are male or "Identify" as male. I'm not being insulting, just stating as statistic.

  6. Honestly I feel like 90% of the population of this game is going to be males, just like in any other game. So marriage might be kind of awkward, especially if it's a male playing as a female character, that would be really creepy when it come to marriage lol Unless gay marriage is a thing.

    • Like 2

  7. On 2016-12-19 at 2:35 AM, JamesLuck01 said:

    Yeah, this idea has been suggested already in different ways and well the developers have stated that there won't be something like this as "Cameras" are heavy network objects and so it's not planned in the future! But this decision could be changed by them and re-looked upon in the far future!

    Radio stations are a thing I believe!

    Are PLAYER owned radio stations a thing, with like talk hosts and such, or is it just radio stations with   Constant music and pre recorded voices that continuously loop over and over, like GTA?

  8. Major changes have been made to the company, including a new Bob Ross Publishing House for all of you aspiring authors to get your work out there! This is more of a bump so people can see the changes. The original post is still to be edited, so please excuse any errors



  9. 15 minutes ago, WhtGhstBlckGhst said:

    Was just about to suggest you add this to your business Bob. Haha.

    But yes more than likely the only way for you to make money off of your books it through printing and publishing. I may actually join Mr. Ross as an editor if he'll allow me. My IRL job has a lot of down time and I would be willing to log on and edit peoples work, getting everything prepared for publishing.

    PM me please, I would love to talk some more

  10. Anyone feel free to correct me, but I doubt we will get paid for releasing them to the library. It would be pretty cool though if there was a business that was sort of a publishing company and mass distributed your book around the game world, and took only a small royalty of the income. Come to think of it... I might add that feature to Bob Ross Inc

  11. 2 hours ago, WhtGhstBlckGhst said:

    My boy Bob Ross. Yes of course my friend I'd be interested and I've been reading your posts like an addiction. Well I spent most of last night reading all of your posts. lol. I'm more of a writer than a painter but was planning on shifting my focus. Now then Mr. Ross, are you planning on teaching your fine tuned skills?


    Why of course we are! I must admit, I'm not really much of a painter, but I love the business aspect of it and think it would be a great addition to Identity. You may have noticed that in my post, we offer art tutoring. Now correct me if I'm wrong, but you seem to have a basic understanding of painting. With a few sessions with our seasoned artists, you will be paining like an expert in no time! Think of it as a sponsorship by our company, once you have achieved a level of skill appropriate to our company, we would be more than happy to have you aboard, all for free!


    PS: I'm glad you actually took an interest in my posts, I don't know why but I'm proud someone actually takes interest in what I say and offer lol!



    Bob Ross

  12. Why of course we are! I must admit, I'm not really much of a painter, but I love the business aspect of it and think it would be a great addition to Identity. You may have noticed that in my post, we offer art tutoring. Now correct me if I'm wrong, but you seem to have a basic understanding of painting. With a few sessions with our seasoned artists, you will be painting like an expert in no time! Think of it as a sponsorship by our company, once you have achieved a level of skill appropriate to our company, we would be more than happy to have you aboard, all for free!


    PS: I'm glad you actually took an interest in my posts, I don't know why but I'm proud someone actually takes interest in what I say and offer lol!



    Bob Ross

  13. Hey guys!


    a lot of you seem to be avid lovers of painting and drawing, so I have a little proposition for all members of this post: My name is Bob Ross, and I am the owner and CEO of Bob Ross Inc: Promoter of fine art. I stongly urge those with artistic skill and talent to take a look at my business post, and decide if this would be the kind of thing you would be interested in doing in Identity! For any of you who do find it interesting, feel free to PM about more info, or if you would even like a job. Here is the link to my business post:





    Bob Ross


    It would be pretty cool to see like a massive terrorist attack, i.e a car bombing town square lol and then news helicopter flying from above taking an ariel shot and reporting on all the damage and casualties. Meanwhile, people sitting at home watching on their t.v thinking "oh my god." 


  15. *Update*


    Board members (CEO, Vice CEO etc...) and financial advisory committee, as well as a lot more business oriented job at Bob Ross Inc are almost complete, just need to add a few more details about job description and stuff, and they will soon be added to the post. Sorry for the delay, I know i said the same thing 10 day ago and still nothing, but be patient!