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KingBen1223 last won the day on January 1 2017

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70 Entrepreneur

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  1. Bob Ross INC: Promoter of Fine Art

    Nice! I’ll be sure to take a look!
  2. Bob Ross INC: Promoter of Fine Art

  3. Bob Ross INC: Promoter of Fine Art

    We are now proud to welcome our newest employee, @whitehorn! He will be fulfilling our logo designer role, and providing forum based company design services at affordable prices (prices will be negotiated upon release of game). PM me if you are interested in this or any other one of our services!
  4. Bob Ross INC: Promoter of Fine Art

    Oh, lol thanks. I was really confused
  5. Bob Ross INC: Promoter of Fine Art

    @TIBURON7013What the hell? I wrote that in English and for some reason it posted in Spanish i guess???
  6. Bob Ross INC: Promoter of Fine Art

  7. Bob Ross INC: Promoter of Fine Art

    @BrianHamilton The performing arts would be a great addition to the company, and it is something I have considered. However the only reason I do not have it included is simply that I do not know if theatres and acting will even be an ingame feature. If however I am wrong and I can find verification of this feature, you can rest assured that this will be covered by Bob Ross Inc: Promoter of the Arts. As for crime, we are not, never have been, nor ever will be affiliated with crime or a crime organization/syndicate. In fact, I fear we will be a direct target of crime and I am heavily considering hiring body guards or a private contracters to help guard the stores innuberable valuable art pieces. (Speaking of which, if any companies which adhead to any of these services, guards etc... please contact me or comment on this post) thank you @BrianHamilton for expressing your concerns and interest with the company!
  8. Bob Ross INC: Promoter of Fine Art

    BOB ROSS INC: PROMOTER OF THE ARTS IS TRYING TO STAY ACTIVE ON THE FORUMS ONCE AGAIN!!! We are in desperate need of a Logo Design artist (see positions and descriptions above) to help us stay relevant and known on the forums. If you think you got what it takes, please consider applying!
  9. Bob Ross INC: Promoter of Fine Art

    @HolyFather We would be more than happy to donate to your church!
  10. Bob Ross INC: Promoter of Fine Art

    @Codes320 Well Said! Thanks very much!
  11. Bob Ross INC: Promoter of Fine Art (Job Listings)

    @Rozmere We at Bob Ross Inc. encourage all types of art, and as such would be more than happy to work with you in producing art styles catering to your talent. Our main goal at Bob Ross Inc is to PROMOTE art, and one of the best ways of doing so is by providing a commission based system for freelance artists such as yourself. We look forward to any future cooperation both on the forums and in-game!
  12. Bob Ross INC: Promoter of Fine Art

    Sorry for the late responses everyone, School has been very hectic recently. @Deborone and @Kopfer Thank you for the compliments! Bob Ross Inc is really trying to become a household name in the Identity universe, and any help getting the name out there is appreciated. @Mike8789 Thanks for the concern, but like @njayminsim1115 was so kind to point out, I highly doubt that this is likely. @njayminsim1115 We create paintings of all sizes! As for the one that you have requested, I don't see any reason why one of our many talented artists would not be able to replicate that to your specifications. @CrimesBane Bob Ross Inc has not considered tattoo drawing as part of our repertoire, although this may be subject to change! I will try to be more active on the forums and answer your questions more promptly, but upcoming school finals may end up making this difficult. Anyhow, thanks everyone for the support, and feel free to post or dm any questions about me or the company! - Bob Ross
  13. Bob Ross INC: Promoter of Fine Art

    Hey @lemonsxorange, I absolutely love your work, and your admiration for Mr. Ross is splendid. I will contact you about your acceptance into the company shortly via Private message
  14. Continue The Story

    Lester, who then decided to...
  15. We have a Huge problem!

    This is what I fear. Although Identity is going to be the better game (I'm absolutely positive about that btw, with a community like this and the sheer determination and work ethic this team has been displaying, I have no doubts it will make gaming history), I fear that Everywhere may eat up some of the attention and audience that otherwise could have been led towards Identity. I sincerely hope Everywhere turns out to be a flop (lol) so that way it's audience will be directed towards Identity and experience what quality RPG's have to offer.