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Everything posted by Zeus

  1. The Jewish Mafia **Recruiting**

    If you boys ever need any help feel free to shoot me a contract.
  2. University

    I feel like its a good idea but I'd walk in, get bored and walk out. I wouldn't get bored because of the player just because sitting down in game is boring to me.
  3. Jobs

    why do I feel like Garbage men, mail men, firefighters and a few more are going to get paid for doing nothing 90% of the time. I dont mind this just saying how often will there be a fire lol
  4. Jobs

    And if cats get gltiched it trees the firemen can help, jk thanks for the response.
  5. Jobs

    I was going to name someone but he's a in a mob and I work with mobs lol
  6. Does any know how well the car mechanics are going to function? Will they be similar to arma 3 or gta or will it be completly new and different?
  7. Thank God, Arma's driving is a solid 2/10
  8. [Retired campaign] The Egalitarian Party

    I have a problem with "Homosexual marriage is legal." Just joking, I actually only have a problem with the highway rules, if people are going 210mph I dont want them to crash into me and the disabled parking thing. Apart from that nice campaign.
  9. i will arrest everysingle one of you!

    Wouldn't recommend doing that to me or anyone is a gang but ok, go for it.
  10. Weekly Car Meets

    When I said undercover cops I was talking about on private servers and before we set up the meet I'm going to look for routes to get home fastest!
  11. Requirements for computer

    I doubt it, Mac might be able to play this on low with a Mac. Id recommend a PC
  12. Weekly Car Meets

    Yeah I figured there's around 300 people, if I can some how send a message to 1/2 of the people on the server Id get atleast 15-30 people. Tbh cruising and racing with 3/4 people would be cool.
  13. I can't see this working on console at all tbh. The community, the pad, the hardware, you guys dont have dedicated servers...
  14. How much of an advantage do cops get in this game? For example when you kill someone (with a mask) would they still know who you are and would your name come on a database. If you steal a car does it automatically show up on the cops map?
  15. That's what I wanted to hear. Thanks.
  16. Oh my God! I wish we could rob houses, tbh it would break the game in a way but id like this trialled or something. posting to remember to come back to this thread.
  17. I'm A Professional Transporter

    Yeah it seems like a great way to make money legally and illegally.
  18. I'm A Professional Transporter

    I've updated my thread with temporary prices. I'll see what the economy's like before I make a final decision.
  19. I'm A Professional Transporter

    Thanks Zebra, I look forward to do doing business with you.
  20. Framing your enemy's

    This would be great business for me. +1
  21. The governer controls the laws, sales on houses, taxes, etc... what if there's a governer that is money hungry and puts the taxes way up and cuts everyone's pay in half. Is there a way to run him out of office? As a man who will be working a legal day job i'd hate to see someone like this in office. ps: can mob families rig elections
  22. Purge

    Governer might make it so we have 1 purge a month or year. I'm fine with that, tbh id stay inside and watch the chaos from my apartment
  23. To me this is below average and its pretty expensive so i'm guessing the rusted car is going to be really bad.