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Posts posted by Daosung

  1. I understand that this has been brought up before, but that was several months ago and the last one only got a few replies. Anyway my idea is just a bit different, I have seen other people suggesting many different brands of in-game phones, but I think that players should have the ability to choose between two brands, the big flashy expensive phones that will show your in game wealth, or choose the regular cheap to medium price range phones. theoretically they would both perform the same with the same cameras and speed in general, but there would be different skins, the expensive phones would have an OS that looks like it's real life counterpart, and the other choice would just look like a regular android phone. Phone customising should also be a thing, if ordering them online maybe allow players to choose a colour? Phone cases shouldn't be ruled out either, they would also be a nice touch.  So what do you guys think about this, I think it makes sense to have a regular priced, regular looking phone or an expensive good looking phone

    And the choice would be a good thing to. Also remember that tech stores would be cool too, perhaps letting players pick up and get a feel for their new phone?

    Anyways thanks for reading reply if you have any thoughts.