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About thermonous

  • Birthday January 14

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    (for pictures you can just go to the pinterest board I made here) Name: Melanie "Mel" Lovett Age: 21 Ethnicity: Caucasian and Jamaican Hobbies: Reading old botany textbooks, embroidery, doodling on whatever surface she can Traits: Naive, Hardworking, Trusting, Loyal, Socially Awkward Home Town: Green Moon, NM, USA Height: 5'6 Weight: 132 pounds Eye Color: Brown Sexuality: Homosexual Aspiration: To figure out who she actually wants to be, rather than figuring out who she feels she should be (and avoiding her not-exactly-on-the-right-side-of-the-law family) Most Used Phrases: "let's all calm down and not set anyone on fire", "it sounds better in the original latin"