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About RedArr0w

  • Birthday 12/18/1991

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  1. Please tell me those aren't the final animations...

    Now those are some smexy animations! Good find @Oroborous this just shows what we should expect in terms of the 'final product' within the UE4 engine. heck, maybe even they could use this until some of the more pressing tasks are done first. I'm sure this would keep everyone happy for a while! EDIT: That video you linked wasn't even his most recent, here is his V2 changes and also his 'updated' one showing his most recent changes etc.. @Beach_Ball check this out!
  2. Langston Family / Dark Ace Mafia

    Welcome @GrandPaladin I am looking forward to getting to know you in the Town Square. Regards, RedArrow.
  3. Langston Family / Dark Ace Mafia

    Hello, This is just a post to let potential recruits know the Langston Family (D.A.M.F) are still recruiting and a bump to find us, under the mountains of threads. Regards, RedArr0w.
  4. Identity Public Teamspeak

    Thank you @enexpi, glad you agree! Discord is where it's at.
  5. Identity Public Teamspeak

    Well, personally.. I've never gotten a Trojan from Discord. So long as you get it from the Creators Site, should be all good. @JamesLuck01 It's not necessary to make an account, as you can use in browser with a 'guest' name if you really can't be arsed to make an account. Honestly don't see what you lads have against Discord. It's awesome, compared to it's ancient competitor TeamSpeak3. But meh, up to you all individually I guess.
  6. Identity Public Teamspeak

    I think a Discord server for the 'official' Identity VoIP would be better suited than TeamSpeak3. Considering Discord Server hosting is free, secure and a whole lot more sexier than TS3. Regards, RedArrow.
  7. Radar?

    Oh... I see. I thought you were responding to my post, regarding the Police Radio suggestion. Fair enough, makes a lot more sense now Regards, Red.
  8. Radar?

    @Sedition Ehm... no? Wait.. what? Oh.. nope. Yep, you've definitely lost me. What do you mean, I mean laser? #soconfused Regards, Red.
  9. Radar?

    I do like this idea... Perhaps have it so, you can only obtain the 'Police Radio' by stealing it from a Police car. That way, It wont be supper over powered against the police due to the difficulty in obtaining them. (Should not be as simple as just 'tuning' in and bang, permanent police radio). Regards, Red.
  10. Forum Suggestions

    Hello, @Kekaren & Gorgoroth- Thanks for the feedback! Yeah, Just some things I've been wondering why weren't already on here! @gorgoroth, If you PM me, your Budget, currency, what sort of games you'd like to play {apart from identity of course} and some online websites (that deliver to you) in your country where you can buy PC parts from. I'll help you choose the best parts to Cost if you like. P.s. Will this be your first custom built PC, or do you have experience in installing Hardware, O/S & Drivers etc? Regards, Red.
  11. Forum Suggestions

    Hi, So I love new site, much more sleeker and more 'suited' I feel, to the Game. Now.. what could we possibly improve on this awesome looking site? Well, I have a few suggestions... 1. Allow users to be able to add a 'My PC Spec' section to their profile, that will display that users PC spec. {Pretty much like what this site has done} also as an addition to this, could even perhaps give an option to allow it be displayed in the signature, with a button you press that 'expands' it, so it wont fill up threads with PC spec, over and over 2. Enable the Forums to use [SPOLIER] tags, to posts. (Can help clean up threads, with giant images or for which it was intended, hide spoilers of all sorts! I'l most likely add to this post, as my time on the Forums grows... so feel free to leave you own additions you'd like to see on here, or perhaps if you agree to mine! Regards, Red.

    Holy shit... I wish that'd be available for purchase in-game... That'd be like owning a freaking city on water.. that MOVES!!!!!!! Damn, son.... Regards, Red.
  13. Hello from Hampshire, UK!

    @Arrow Haha, it's a possibility! Mind you, pretty sure I only have an Older Sister... but you never know! Could also be a Brother from another Mother. But, yeah. Welcome @Mikey to the world of (soon to be an awesome game) Identity! #HYPEHPYE Regards, Red.
  14. Hello from Hampshire, UK!

    My gosh, It's good to see some Brits on here! I'm from Essex, and look forward to playing with you all in the future! Regards, Red.
  15. New Citizen from London, England

    Hello Miki, May I and the Langston Family Welcome you into Identity! I too am from UK, in Essex to be more precise. I have also been wanting a game such as this concept, created for a very long time too! I am used to RPing on games such as GTA:SA (using SAMP), Garry's Mod (Perp/Dark RP & HL2 RP). However, once found this awesome game concept been hooked since. Hope to meet you in a years time, virtually of course. Regards, Red.