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Everything posted by Nicki

  1. I'm not sure if this has been brought up before, if it has, kindly link it down in the comments. (I rarely check the forum, and the search function is a bit weird with me) Anyways, to the point: How will the developers go about freedom of speech in this game? And by that I mean will there be limits to what you're allowed to openly say and share? Because from my view, this game seeks to replicate the functions of a real society (Government, jobs, ) so everyone will make friends (Or at least acquaintances) and quite possibly surround themselves with like minded people. I guess what I'm truly saying is, will Identity have a predetermined set of rules by the developers for the private servers/public to follow? Then from there can make their own laws and policies from it? I'm just curious to see if they'll just let the players decide their own rules and only intervene if it does get too serious. And to my understanding, the developers are located in Canada, so will Canada's laws and policies affect the game's outcome? I hope I managed to get my questions across clearly, and I know this entire thing might sound stupid but please don't attack me, educate.
  2. Hello~ I would like to know how much time we have left to get our passports, before the offer expires. I would like to get the Speed Demon, but I won't have the money for it until early January. I'm guessing it will expire and be replaced with some revised options once the first module is out, and judging by what I've read on here, it could be early 2017 too. If the offers will end soon, then I guess I'll have to settle for a cheaper option. If anyone here could shed some light on this for me, I would greatly appreciate it. cheers!
  3. I don't like this idea. Although this is supposed to be a real life simulator, a line has to be drawn somewhere.
  4. AUS Anyone?

    Perth here.