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About Pixie

  • Birthday December 12

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  1. Identity competition? Nine to Five

    I looked at the Kickstarter and It said the funding was cancelled so I'm not sure what that's about.
  2. Make Your Character

    Name: Nei Park Age: 18 Race/ethnicity/nationality:Chinese, Half Korean Appearance: Golden tanned skin, Rose lips, doe-like eyes, 5'5, Slim figure with curves, Upright posture. Personality: Nei is Shy at first but talkative once she feels comfortable around said person. Shes extremely insecure regarding her appearance & abilities. All in all she is a very chill, Kind-hearted mellow person. Education: Part-Time University. (Currently) Sexuality: Straight or Bi-curious Misc Facts: Adores all animals. Epileptic & Autistic. Absolutely loves strawberry milkshakes. Background: Nei grew up in the suburban area of South Korea with her Mother & Father from the age of 2, Later on in life around her early teen years she moved to Hong Kong with her family after her Father was assigned a career opportunity. Nei was home schooled from then on by her Mother, during that time she would often watch 1950s Era movies and fantasise about moving to America and becoming a waitress, her dream was small but it meant the world to her. as she turned 17 she applied for a Scholarship at the university of her choice, she was accepted and thus moved to America on her own, becoming more independent.
  3. Character creation, Hair, & Clothes

    Gotta agree, Would love to see some laid back clothing, maybe Normcore or the usual casual.
  4. Hello All.

    Glad To Hear! Welcome to Identity I hope you enjoy your stay in the Forums.
  5. Hey Everyone (From London)

    *Queue random receptionist lady voice* Welcome, I hope you enjoy your stay here

    Personally I wouldn't like to see Police parading around Everywhere as it makes me uneasy, but if it's needed for the safety of Citizens then it's definitely worth it.
  7. Text chat

    They said there will be a text chat for RP'ers that feel more comfortable RPing with text chat. " Text chat will be available to you in Identity! There will be local chat, as well as private messaging. We acknowledge that the convenience of voice chat isn't always what people want in every situation. Whether you are shy, or you want to pretend to be someone else, or even if someone in your proximity is trying to sleep, we don't want to suppress your ability to get a message across, but we do think that those who want and will use voice chat, will inherently have an enhanced experience in Identity " -Motown
  8. What will you RP in identity?

    Waitress, or Barista.
  9. Kids in game

    As a 15 Year old who's interested in RPG's, MMORPG'S etc. Most often then not I feel kind of excluded, but It's understandable how people wouldn't want kids ruining the game for them as it does involve certain aspects not meant for Children under age.
  10. June 4th

    Happy Birthday, May your day be wonderful! ^^
  11. Angelic Threads - Women's Apparel

    Sounds like a great company, are there any job offers available at the moment? Contact me if so.
  12. Nostalgia List

    Playing this was a blast as a kid!
  13. Post Removed

    I'm interested in more Natural looking makeup, like simple liner and maybe just some lipsticks. All of the above looks great though!
  14. Interior Designer

    Could there be an Interior design job, so people can be paid to design people's apartment's and such?