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About Frenchy

  • Birthday 12/11/1995

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  1. Prison Life

    If you do get caught though it's not gonna make you wanna come back to the game for a while this would reduce a lot of active players which is exactly what games like this rely on
  2. The Town Square servers

    Just give out the software they use on their rentable servers. The way their network is set up wouldn't stop dedicated servers working.
  3. The Town Square servers

    It would be so much better to have dedicated servers
  4. Cryengine for Identity?

    If they did switch to cry engine then it would basically be like starting again which isn't worth the small reward you would get for using it as it would delay the game and like @Miki_Chee said it is very expensive compared to the Unreal 4 Engine
  5. Character creation, Hair, & Clothes

    I would love to see this kind of outfit available to wear: I would also love to see a variety of hair colours available for both men and women, perhaps something along the lines of this:
  6. Combat Logging

    Sorry if this has already been asked, but I'm curious to how the devs are going to tackle disconnecting during combat or a similar activity, for example you could be a criminal running away from the police and you could just disconnect and they will never be able to find you catch you, this will get frustrating and I wish to ask if there is anything in place to stop this from happening.
  7. Blade and Soul

    Nice, what do you get with it?
  8. Blade and Soul

    I'm EU on Angler's Watch
  9. Blade and Soul

    My name is Frenchstery if you want to add me Frenchy was already taken
  10. Blade and Soul

    Lucky! If I had purple hair irl I would be called gay :c
  11. Blade and Soul

    I think I have something like that, my brothers always get salty when I download stuff because it makes their pings go really high
  12. Blade and Soul

    Just me dumping my problems on the rest of the world acting like they would actually care