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  1. NEW NEW RP Thread #3

    "bbbbbbut all my sttuff " James says weakly "I got family to take of and my dads dicely business I'll be a ffff fool"speaks widely barely coming out "yyyyou can't do dis iiiiii bbbuuu yyyou agh fine I'll go but jjjust make sure my family gets taken care offfff please"James pleads
  2. NEW NEW RP Thread #3

    *as James wakes up he realized that he must a been out for a long time. James looks up and suddenly all comes back to him and he quickly gets worried "FUCK" says James as he realizes who this guy is. "hey ma ma ma man I ddd didn't mmmm mean I just I thought ehh you know" says James words barely escaping his mouth. * James thinks back on why he has done 'fuck James you did it this time low life to ticking off a rich guy who's probably gonna make you "go away forever" *james drops his head knowing his fate is sealed
  3. NEW NEW RP Thread #3

    *As Clark grabs his wallet and keys to his 2014 beat cherry red mustang he thinks back on how many drinks he had but doesn't care* "fuck my head hurts he says while Rubinho he head in" *he thinks to himself "fuck I was going to meet David at the bar he had a job" *as James runs grabs he illegal .38 revolver from the counter he rushes out to his car to head to davids bar *while driving he sees a pretty girl drawing and looks like flirting with to mob members "shit that girl is lucky maybe she'll have some presents from that guy over there might want to have a look" *james pulls the car and in the alley and waits.... he finally sees her walking off and knows this is his chance "he miss you lookin pretty" he says *as James is saying that he takes out his revolver (no bullets) and grabs here wallet while throwing her to the ground *James turns around to the sound of a car engine and sees a angry big man coming towards him "hey mister we was having a good conversation he says *thats all he rembers before he blacks out