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Posts posted by DoctorFosterGloster

  1. (Yes another forum game)

    The game is simple, type the above sentence with your eyes closed and after write a new sentence for the next person to type

    1. Try to keep the sentences a decent length (4-10 words)
    2. Don't use overly complex wording
    3. You can write any sentence you wish, It doesn't have to be related to the previous one

    Your first sentence is:

    I'm hungry but there's no food

    • Like 1

  2. A simple game where you post a place name with the first letter of the previous. You can post any city, town, country, continent, river, mountain, forest, lake and basically any geographical feature

    1. If someone posts something like 'Red River' the first letter of the next word should be D not R as river doesn't count. The same goes for other geographical features and land forms (mountains, forests, etc)
    2. If someone posts something like 'Mexico City' the first letter of the next word should be Y as it is part of it's name

    Person 1: Europe
    Person 2: England
    Person 3: Dover
    Person 4: Russia

    I'll start;


  3. Feel free to move this topic to the Hangout if it fits better there

    Again, this game was inspired by a Nationstates Forum topic

    1. No Ninja'd (to avoid confusion, quote the above post)
    2. Be as creative as you want
    3. You shouldn't need to post more than 1 sentence
    4. Make sure you leave the opportunity to keep the story going (don't say that all characters died, the world ends, etc)

    My other Forum Game

    i'll start;

    Once upon a time in a land far, far way, Shrek arrived at his swamp only to find...

  4. Feel free to move this topic to the Hangout if it fits better there

    This idea is shamelessly taken off of the Nationstates forums.

    Basically this game takes you exploring the ever almighty internet depository of practically all of Human knowledge, otherwise known as Wikipedia. Basically you start at article 1, then you click on another Wikipedia article within article 1. Post the new article link here and then the next person will go onto your article and select and post a new link, and so on

    1. Do not post a link to the main page.
    2. You can use all Wikipedia languages.
    3. Your article should be on the above persons article

    Link to story telling forum game

    Ask me any questions if you wish

    I'll start with this thread

    (basically click a link on that article and post the url of the new article)

  5. Name: Luke Wellington
    Age: 28
    From (City, Country): Originally from small town New Zealand
    Appearance (Body, Face): 187cm, Fit, Average looks, short hair 
    Attire: Old dress shirt and a pair of shorts
    Job: Delivery man
    Detail of House: Motel flat/ apartment
    Detail of Car/ Vehicle: Moped/ Scooter
    Personality: Quiet, gets drunk often
    Background: Moved to Washington DC, USA with family at age 9, got a diploma in electrical Engineering after high school, eventually moved to identity's island with girlfriend, girlfriend left him and kept the house and was forced to live in a motel.

  6. So I remember this sort of post on the old forums but I haven't seen it on the new version (but correct me if i'm wrong). Also I wasn't sure if this should be in the Pub or in the town square (feel free to move it if necessary) but it's in town square for now.

    Feel free to insert images and photos depicting details

    Here are the details you can fill out for your RP character

    From (City, Country):
    Appearance (Body, Face):
    Detail of House:
    Detail of Car/ Vehicle:


    • Like 2

  7. If a car crashed into a power pole, knocking it down, would the power for that area go out? The power lines could also be affected by storms, and trees falling on them. This would create the opportunity for more careers (such as the line mechanic) who would need to fix it to restore the power. This could deter rough driving by players as well.

    There could even be a power station which needs workers, or maintenance, for it to operate

    Also, would street lights break - meaning they need to be fixed? And does the government have the switch to turn them off and on? - So they could plunge the island into darkness