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About Acetime

  • Birthday 11/20/1997

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  1. Performance

    Will there be a good server performance by 100 players or more?? Because I like this game and I will not have a experience like Arma 3
  2. Hello Identity

    Hope to see you around^^
  3. Hello Identity

    Hello ladies and gentleman, my name is Acetime and I from Hamburg,Germany.I am 16 years old and found this game a week a go. I hope we will get a very nice game experience witch will be unforgettable. _____________________________ Roleplay: Hello, my name is Camron Johnson I was born in 1989 in Brooklyn,NY. I got a dark childhood,my dad was drug addicted and my mum died by the birth.I got 2 sisters Ashley (29) and Caroline (32) so I am the youngest one in the family. Since I joined the school the teacher noticed that I a very good football player,so I decided to be a football player in the future. My dream to be a football player blowed up because some guys broke my leg on 5 different places the injury was to big to get out the hospital in two months. My dad every time said to me before he got drug addicted:,,Son please go a legal way, don´t let the friends decide your life!´´ And I still doing this today,I go my own way dear readers.Furthermore there was my best friend Charly witch died by a car accident,he was like a brother for me,we did so much things together and now where he is? Since that things happened I decided to move away from New York,I find a post in Casebook(<--I know^^) witch was about a trip on a Island. I booked three tickets and we gone! Now we live in peace and no one want to hurt us we are so proud of our family specific of our parents. A very big thanks to the government you gave us a new chance to set up a new life. greetings family Johnson Out of roleplay greetings from Germany P.S could you guys rate my English?^^
  4. Map name?

    PARAMO looks and sounds like a island but with junkie background Kingston is a nice name, or New Kingston or Idlewood sounds good to or what about Lakeside?(<---Arma 3 map)
  5. I would say they have to implement this feature but its the question for the server owner how deep he want to get in the roleplay!! that is my opinion!
  6. Map name?

    Kingston is a nice Name island is bullshit land is bullshit country is bullshit just a name that it is the best opportunity! greetings
  7. Map name?

    I would say Kingston what about this it is a very nice name!!! without every island it is so old fashioned let the island away KINGSTON
  8. Language

    Pls let the community do it because google Translator.... you know^^^^
  9. Language

    Will there be any translations for the game for example German,because I would like to play it on German P.S I have no problems with the English language but it is just a question an suggestion. greetings
  10. I am so exited for the SWAT module,can I play this module with a 15$ pledge or only 30$+beta access?
  11. 1 week season cycle

    I would say lets let wait when the game is finally released,than we can start to make some suggestions for the coming updates. Than I would replace this post
  12. Can You Be A Corrupt Cop

    I would be for a corrupt function that you can interact with the gangs and something like that. I would love it I hope it.
  13. How does jailtime work?

    I would say let the server owners decide that later. greetings
  14. I would say on an official server 1 and unofficial so many you wantor a limit from the projectleader
  15. Dude who know Star Citizen that dude know that is a very important question.I purchase star Citzen for 50 bucks but I think Chris Roberts (CEO) is liar. I am pretty sure that that game will be released next year.