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WolvenMedic last won the day on November 24 2016

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About WolvenMedic

  • Birthday September 9

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  1. What game/ community do you currently roleplay in?

    I was staff of a GTAV ps3 (now moved onto PS4 and PC) roleplay community for almost 2 years. Had to give it up due to college exams then getting my first job out of education. I still keep close contact with them though, made some great friends. Cool how it can bring people together.
  2. I'm new ^^

    Heya @Portal Welcome to the community mate. Hope you enjoy it here
  3. Greeting o/

    Heya @FaultyTowels! Welcome to the cimmunity mate.
  4. Yeah @Zeus, I think that would be quite nice. Even if there was a little section for people to look for workers/ jobs. Would be great for independent workers (which my character might become) such as yourself, by the looks of things
  5. seasons

    That would be cool if they did do the seasons. Especially for someone who lives somewhere where all it seems to do is rain But it would make the game more immersive for me.
  6. What will you RP in identity?

    I don't 100% know yet. I have a backstory for my woman (found in the 'Create You Identity thread) but she's arrived without a job and on her scholarship. So I'm hoping somebody will hire her (along the lines of entertainment/journalism) but is happy to do odd jobs as well. Her future is undecided for now. Anybody who knows anywhere she could find some work experience for her Film and Media/Journalism course the feel free to send them my way
  7. Hello From The UK

    Hello fellow UK person @WingNut Welcome to the community.
  8. G'day Everyone

    Welcome to the community @MintyEars mate. Hope you enjoy it here!
  9. Hey guys!

    Heya there @ItzRaiden I may not have a fancy signature but welcome to the community.
  10. XD lets be friends!!!

    Welcome to the community mate
  11. DickButt says "Hi!"

    heya @DickButt Welcome to the community!
  12. News agency or newspaper

    I'd really like this idea as that's pretty much exactly what my character would go for considering her background. As long as it was moderated it would be a nice little addition if players could. Would make identity feel more alive and player driven for sure. Picking it up and knowing that another player actually wrote those news columns would just add another layer to the game.
  13. Create Your Identity

    Name: Shylo Dexter Age: 21 From: South West England (Ancestors from the Republic Of Ireland) Appearance: Quite short but with a fairly athletic build, dark hair (tied up mostly) with pale green/almost grey eyes. A few scars on elbows and knees as well as one on her hand from her sports days. Quite soft and young in appearance compared to her actual age. Attire: Light blue hoodie with dark jeans and black boots (colder weather). Tank top or checkered shirt with jogging trousers and purple trainers (warmer weather) Job: 4th Year Student currently studying Film and Media with Journalism. Moved over from the UK on a scholarship and has been given permission by her new university/college to 'home study' while she gains experience and works. Currently looking for a job in the field of entertainment or written works. Detail of House: A small apartment provided by the scholarship scheme. Enough for one to live in comfortably though she must pay for rent and upkeep herself. Detail of Car/ Vehicle: Has yet to learn to drive (looking for lessons) but used to ride a bicycle everywhere back home. Personality: Quite calm and considerate of others, easily distracted at times with a sunny disposition. Very trusting and loyal which comes as a disadvantage at times. Can be quite quiet and timid towards strangers but warms up quickly. Very smart but never uses her intellect to its full potential. Quick to find friends in others, even if said 'friend' doesn't feel the same way. Background: Having grown up in the country and away from any major towns or cities, she lived a very isolated and quiet life. Having grown bored and wanting to lead a different life to her parents and family before her she went up country to study Film and Media. A choice the rest of her family were dead against. While in her first year of study she took up track as a hobby, ultimately competing for her university around the country in the 100m, 200m and relay races. During this time she earned a little extra cash by watching new releases at the cinemas and writing film reviews for the university newspaper. Having found she had a talent in writing and finding it quite enjoyable, she took up Journalism as a secondary course for her second year. She still keeps up with her more sporting past, going for runs in her spare time as writing and study are her main focuses now. Besides that not much else is known about her life from that point onwards. Only time will tell what lays in store for her.
  14. Hello from the other side.

    Welcome fellow Brit and don't worry, you're not the long one with a lack of a patriotic bone
  15. November video

    Yeah I think a lot of people will be satisfied and worry less about development once the first module is done. I guess it would also mean we can give some solid feedback as well @Frank