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Trill last won the day on April 13 2017

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  1. Actively recruiting, we are all connected via Discord.
  2. We are still recruiting.
  3. ...

    Please do us all a favor... Finish 8th grade before telling your mother to purchase this game for you. Thanks.
  4. We are still accepting applications.
  5. Rate the above song

    2/10 what is this weird shit?
  6. A Challenge

    You misspelled achievement... I don't think it was part of the riddle, but I'm really looking hard and tried it haha.
  7. Without us, you wouldn't have the money you would have.
  8. Hello Identity!

    Welcome to Identity, enjoy your stay. If you're looking to have some fun, make some money, and join a mature group for some illegal activities check out this thread. (click)
  9. It is assumed that we are not going to be breaking any rules of Identity RPG. That is not in our agenda, we are speaking in terms of taking orders from a General such as hits, drug runs, robberies, etc. Once you give your response, your application will receive a response.
  10. I don't think you've played a life server before... lol
  11. We have quite a few members that have already joined looking for more members to join the group!
  12. First Underground Official Modified Meetup

    Definitely will be attending haha.
  13. Your Computer Specs?

    980ti strix 16 gb ram 4770 i7
  14. FIRST THINGS FIRST: We are not like any other gang, if anything we are closer to a mafia. We are just a group of criminals carrying out crimes. We do not like to identify as a gang as most "gangs" are usually extremely unorganized and careless about crimes. We are the polar opposite. 1. Drug Trafficking 2. Thievery / Robbing 3. Assasination / Hitmen 4. Hijacking 5. DRUG MANUFACTURING We will need workers to fill these spots when the game comes out, these players must have sufficient vehicles to transport and/or produce our goods. There will be lots of these spots available as we will have many people manufacturing drugs. If you are interested in this job, you may consider running the drugs with 2 people just in-case anyone tries to rob you, you have backup and it lowers the risk of being robbed and losing our drugs. If you are robbed and decided to risk the run without backup, and you lose our drugs, you will have to pay with your own funds. If you do not have sufficient funds, you will work all high risk jobs, until you can pay off what you have lost to the company or either receive a strike. If you are interested in applying for this position please post that you would like to be drug trafficker, and what you have to offer. We will need an EXTREMELY LARGE AMOUNT OF PEOPLE FOR THIS job. You guys will manufacture the drugs for the drug traffickers/producers. This job is fairly simple and will provide you protection from other players when in this group, we will take over and be the largest. So there would be no worries about anyone stealing your money or taking your vehicles etc. because we will be the ones doing it. If any rival gangs interfere with our work, we will eliminate them. We will take over their territory and work. If they do not bother us, and do not try to distribute or produce on our territory. We will not bother them unless they start causing trouble, or we need new land. haha We will be producing all of the drugs available, some may be less risk than others and this will determine your amount pay and protection in the group. If you are interested in applying for this position please post that you would like to be drug manufacturer, and what you have to offer. We do not need a large amount of these but they would be good for quick and easy money. We will need a few groups of sophisticated players, that are good in devising quick plans and being stealthy. You will be matched with other players within the group to complete the robbery. There will be higher ranked members deciding who you will go and complete the robbery with. You can suggest a player or players to rob with and he will most likely allow you to. But if you come back with a failed robbery due to the player you decided to choose, you will get a strike. We will also need highjackers, to bring in our drug trafficking vehicles and luxurious vehicles to flaunt our wealth. We will need a few of these also, they will not be working solo ever! You will always be grouped with other players. We will let the strike system start once the group is started and has been running stable for about a week or 2. We will provide more details to robbing when we find out more info about it. If you are interested in applying for this position please post that you would like to be robbers, and what you have to offer. People like personal revenge, so they put out hits on other players. We will need some people to complete these contract kills, we will have a small organized team to complete these tasks when needed. They will need to be stealthy about it, so they do not know who and what group has completed the hit successfully. We need to stay under the radar. These people need to be smart and stealthy. If you are interested in applying for this position please post that you would like to be assassin, and what you have to offer. Ranks will be established once we get a feel for the game, but for now we will have basic ranks below. Once you are available for a rankup there will be a small fee that must be paid to either a general or the leader. Recruit Apprentice Corporal Sergeant Lieutenant Commander Brigadier General Age Requirement: 16+ (some acceptions if you are mature) You must have TeamSpeak You need to be mature and serious. Must be dedicated to one group/gang and one group/gang only, The Traffickers. You must not leak our activities and plans to other gangs or players outside of The Traffickers. Do not apply if you do not agree with the following above. Now if you are interested, apply with the following form. Job you would like (first choice): Job you would like (second choice): Job you would like (third choice): Age: How many hours a week will you be able to contribute to The Traffickers? Are you an avid "life" server player? Will you take this group seriously? Do you agree to take ANY orders from a General ranking or the Leader? (Orders received will not be breaking any Identity RPG rules or ToS.) What do you bring to The Traffickers?