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Everything posted by Arcanion

  1. Shut down!

    Looks nice @Norway174, You have to show me how you create this and your FBI pass because i like the work you create. Thank you for creating the logo for us, however i think this would be a more "Joking" logo painted on trucks rather than a official logo. However the idea is nice and maybe i could work it out for a official logo. -Arcanion
  2. Shut down!

    Okay application, however i'd like to see more experience with handling finances other than working behind a cash registry. Because with all due respect it's not the same. Further as chief of finance you won't be used as security or driver. But if you can show that you are good with finances then why not.
  3. Wilson Private Military Corporation.

    I believe not, it is going to be expensive to get equipment. Therefor only large players can afford a war but will not slaughter their enemy because the risk of death is too high. At least not on a steady basis once per month maybe but not each day.
  4. Hi lol

    Welcome @koobra Enjoy your time on the forums! -Arcanion
  5. Hello, just got the game here

    Welcome @Raphael1090 Enjoy your time on the forums! -Arcanion
  6. What's up, everyone?

    Welcome @BlazinBender Enjoy your time on the forums! -Arcanion
  7. Hello from Boston

    Welcome @bobbybdennis Enjoy your time on the forum! -Arcanion
  8. Are houses that you buy permanent, or will you loose the right over the house if you fail to pay for certain things. Since otherwise people who stopped playing might own a lot of houses.
  9. Hello guys

    Welcome @StarLord Enjoy your time on the forums! -Arcanion
  10. Hello From UK

    Welcome to the forums friend!
  11. Hello

    Welcome to the forums friend!
  12. Hello everyone!

    Welcome to the forums friend!
  13. Hello And Welcome Fom UK

    Welcome to the forums friend!
  14. Hello community! :) - Belgium

    Welcome to the forums friend!
  15. Hello!

    Welcome to the forums friend!
  16. Greetings from Russia )

    Welcome to the Hype Train! I hope you will enjoy your stay on the forums! -Arcanion
  17. Hi Hoy !

    Welcome to the Hype Train! I hope you will enjoy your stay on the forums! -Arcanion
  18. LoliVape introduction <3

    Welcome to the Hype Train! I hope you will enjoy your stay on the forums! -Arcanion
  19. Shut down!

    Thank you for the trust invested in me! -Arcanion
  20. Hello

    The first module will be the "Town Square", meaning it will mainly focus on displaying ceratin features. It's release was estimated to be beginning 2017 to mid 2017. The percentage bar you see on the modules tab is manually increased and is only increased with major updates. Meaning it can spike from the current 89% to 98% at once. Of course before the game is completely done it will take some time. So expect the game to launch beginning 2018. -Arcanion
  21. Hello

    @st6sniper1a No problem, if you have any questions be sure to ask them!
  22. Shut down!

    Arcanion's Application -Created on the 12th of May (Usage only intented on the Orbis NT thread) ******************************************************************************************************************************************************* "Questions" - What country do you live in? The Netherlands - Why should we consider you for our company? I have a lot of experience as Commander on Garry's Mod Star Wars roleplay, Arma 3 MILSIM and i'm a experienced Roleplayer. - How often will you be online? (e.g. 4-6 hours) Avg. 6 hours. - What are your ideal work hours? (e.g. 9am-5pm) (Asuming it's OOC) 10AM-11PM in the weekend and 5PM - 10 PM during the week. (GMT+2 time) - What position are you applying for? Head of Security, if my time zone creates a problem then a position with a Security department. - Which timezone are you in? GMT+2 ******************************************************************************************************************************************************* "In-Character Information" Full Name : Michael James Smith Nickname: Arcanion Nationality: America Height: 1.84M Weight: 85KG Eye Color: Blue Accent: American Physical Condition: Healthy Mental Condition: Stable ******************************************************************************************************************************************************* "Out of Character Information" Name: Michael Age: 17 Occupation: Plumber Student Nationality: Dutch Languages: Dutch & English Time Zone: GMT+2 Activity: 4-+ hours during the week p/d 9-+ hours during the weekend p/d Additional Information: Due to the fact i am European this means i will be online when it's morning/middle of the day for you. In the weekends i can play longer but this means i will not be online in the evenings. I believe this will not present a problem. -Signed by Michael James Smith
  23. Shut down!

    No problem, and good to hear you put a lot of effort in your Company! I wish you the best of luck. -Arcanion
  24. Hello

    Welcome to the hype train! I hope you enjoy your stay on the forums! -Arcanion