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About Gilbey

  • Birthday 07/15/1979

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  1. Would You Rather

    I had no clue what Linux even was until I read requests for Mac and Linux support for one of the games I have on Steam. I think I'll stick with my Windows
  2. Would You Rather

    Linux is an operation system, so I assume that macos means macOS? I'm not trying to be a smartass here, ...... I'm not very well versed in computer lingo.
  3. Having a Navy carreer?

    Different strokes for different folks, I guess. Some of us wish to relive our tour of duty through video games, and while I personally don't fit into that category, I'd probably find it fun if there was a game that recreated some of the hijinks I found myself in while on shore leave
  4. Worst Pickup Lines?

    Worst pickup line, like sheer vagina repellent; anything with the word "suckle" in it. I was in a bar on base once, watching a couple who was obviously having a bad time. When a couple is facing away from each other the whole night, you don't have to be an expert on body language to know something ain't right. I'm not the type of dude that stares at people, but the couple was in this position every time I looked in their general direction. I wasn't having the greatest time myself , what possessed me to go to the bar on country night I'll never know. Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with country or any other music, I'm just more of an Alice in Chains/Motley Crue/Skynyrd/Floyd fan than a Brad Paisley/Jason Aldean/Luke Bryan type of guy, my fiance's the only reason why I even know those names. Anyway, I head out to go to a hookah bar, and the woman follows me out, asks if I was going anywhere special. I invited her along, but asked her "aren't you already on a date?" She said "it wasn't much of an exciting date to begin with, but the dude killed it when he said he wanted to suckle me. I mean what the hell, is he my date or my infant?" I said "dude's not much of a man, huh?" Her reply; "with shitastic little lines like that, I'm not even sure if that guy was hetero" So, there ya go. If you ever want to snap a lady's legs closed faster and with more ferocity than a bear trap, tell her you want to suckle her.
  5. npc around the world?

    I have an embarrassing little story about NPCs. When I first came home from the military in 2004, I had never even heard the term MMO before. I saw someone playing some Pirates of the Caribbean game, thought it looked kind of fun, and made an account. I'm not exactly one of the duller crayons in the box, but it hadn't dawned on me that the characters walking around weren't NPCs. I was having kind of a rough day, so I figured I'd blow off some steam by telling these NPCs immaturely vulgar and inappropriate suggestions. I mean, these weren't player characters, so it couldn't hurt anyone by blowing off a little steam, right? Well.... I didn't last too long on that game. Kind of an embarrassing faux pas for me, but it was a learning lesson
  6. Here's another cluster; this one's quartz. I'm partial to clusters, perhaps because they remind me of Superman's Fortress of Solitude. Growing up, Superman was the physical embodiment of all that was good, pure, just, and honorable.

    002 (2).JPG

  7. Any Writers?

    Yes, passion helps one endure the hiccups and hardships in their career choice. The final blow for me was a critical writing course. My advisor had told me that the course is about looking beyond the surface of material and really getting to the meat of the author's message. I was stoked about that; peeling back layers of great works. A tiny side effect of that, though,was a temporary inability to read and watch things just for the sheer thrill of it. But the major part of what killed everything for me was that the course had turned me into a cynical d bag a little bit. I hadn't thought that critical writing involved shredding and criticizing the works of others. I thought critique meant assessment, evaluation of both good and bad parts of a work of literature. However, the course only focused on the negative aspects, and I loathed that. Cynicism is not in my nature. But yes, I'm far more passionate about gemology than I am writing. This career has it's challenges. just as English had. The difference is I find gemology's challenges exciting, while English's challenges made me sick. Different strokes for different folks
  8. Any Writers?

    Oh, god, is that a story! In short, I lost my passion for writing in my postgraduate years. I started out as a psychology major, but became disenchanted with that after my sophomore year. But I had always loved writing and had been told since i was a wee lad that I should be a writer, so I pursued that for years. It threw me in a tailspin when I woke up one day and though "my god, i can't do this any more!" The very thought of putting pen to paper made me want to hurl. Rather than escape into a case of beer, I popped in the Indiana Jones crystal skull movie, which turned out to be my favorite movie in the franchise (minus the fact that it had Shia LaBeouf, can't stand that guy). I had never seen quartz before and found the crystal skull to be mystifying. I went online to see if I could find a replica of the skull from the movie. I found replicas made out of resin, but no mini replicas of the skull. However, there are a ton of crystal skulls in other shapes. I bought one and became absolutely mystified with it. I started researching everything I could about quartz and minerals in general. One day, my fiance had made the smart-ass comment of "too bad you can't study minerals in college!" Well, as it turns out, I could. I made my first steps as a gemologist/gemologist appraiser about five years ago, and never looked back. So, what happened was I found a better fit for me than English, something that genuinely makes me excited to wake up every day, something that I sink hours upon hours in at a time, both as a hobby and as a career.
  9. Any Writers?

    I was an English major for years. I no longer write, but I still help college students with their papers on occasion.
  10. What games are you currently playing while waiting?

    Oh, I also play Destiny on occasion
  11. What games are you currently playing while waiting?

    Currently playing Exanima.
  12. I discovered that I can put pictures in my status, I think I might share some of my favorite minerals. This one is a celestite geode


  13. Hello

  14. Hunt For The Worst Game Ever

    I don't know about "worst game ever", but the most disappointing game I've ever played was Mortal Kombat Mythologies : Sub-Zero for Playstation back in the late '90s. Sub-Zero has always been my favorite character, and I was so excited for an action adventure game featuring him. I was quite the sad camper when I got home and found the game to be ugly, with awkward controls, and just an overall terrible mess. I still hope to see an open world Mortal Kombat game someday, though, kind of like Konquest mode in Mortal Kombat Deception. The closest I'll probably ever get to that is just playing some of the Mortal Kombat armor mods for Skyrim, but a dude can dream
  15. Hello

    Hello, Andrew There's nothing wrong with clean humor, I like that. With an 18 month old, a variety of areas in my life have become more.... "appropriate for all ages". As far as gemologist, thank you. Ya know, when I came home from the military and started college, I had no idea that my course of study would take such a drastic turn ( I started out in psychology ). Life is kinda funny like that some times. I haven't much experience in Australia, but I did spend a little time in Perth. If you're familiar with that area and like minerals, I highly recommend a store called The Crystal Cavern. Hi, Travis. I'd love it if I could put my passions into the game, as well. I've seen a few pictures of jewelry stores here, maybe I'll be able to have a loose mineral/ fossil store. Geodes, clusters, shark teeth, that type of deal.